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White walls press in on a room faintly lit by dull squares of translucent glass or plastic, evenly spaced out across the off-white ceiling.

 There's no sound in the room, save a very soft hum from an array of medical machines and monitors, and the slow breathing of the youth in the hospital bed. Under the breathing mask and the electrodes attached to the head, 13-2 - in certain circles known as Lamark - is barely recognizable. Two pale arms, partially clothed in sickly green sleeves of a hospital gown are weighing down the flimsy sheet covering the rest of him. His breathing continues steadily.

 There's the faintest twitching of eyelids, as a muffled cry for someone named Caleb can be heard outside the pneumatic sliding door to the room. Shadows of a moving struggle pass the double-paned porthole in the door. 

 Silence and the quiet susurrus of machine hum and soft breathing reclaim the room.

  =Pulse: 42 O²Sat: 92% BP: 90/60= one monitor reads, showing sinus curves travelling obliquely across the screen.=Another screen shows dull green cloudy patterns across the inside of a skull, with a hint of yellow at the centre.= 

Children of the New Dawn n-logy: Book 2 - Liberated.Where stories live. Discover now