Coma Dream: ''The Light Within.''

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= Darkness all around him, then he notices the light. Seems like it's a thousand miles away. Yet, it is the only point of reference in the dark, the only possible means of escape.

Escape. The world puzzles him. Where did he hear that. There were other kids once - feels like a lifetime ago - who used that word. They got told. Told never to use it again.

The word means something special. To leave something. Why would he leave the only world he's ever known?

There is another world; both a threat and a reward.

Behave badly, and you get Fetched to the other world.

Behave well, and you get Fetched to the other world.

The dichotomy in the similarity confuses him. There's nothing else to do, here in the darkness, than to ponder on these things, however. So, he ponders. Sees the other world from two sides. Looking up, he sees the other world as a reward. It's a place you want to go to, or is it? The Papas and the Mamas praise it, as a place of wonder, a way of leaving the facility; isn't that what "escape" was as well? Does this mean that "escape" is also a reward? But "escape" was bad. How can a reward be bad? The confusion makes the darkness scary.

The light. There was a light. He should go to it, shouldn't he? Could he even?

It's there. In the dark; in the distance. The light calls to him.

Flashes of shadows in the dark. Other kids. 

Fae. A girl with Eyes. A Seer.

Dylan. A boy with Will. A Herder. 

Stella. A girl with Thought. A Mind-melder. 

Lamark. A boy. With Craft. A Maker.

Protest stirs at the core of his being. 

Lamark isn't an Other Kid. 

Lamark is apart from Other Kids.

 Lamark is.

 Who is Lamark?

What makes him stand out from the Other Kids? 

The light has approached; is it he who has approached the light?

 He is closer to the light now; it's blue and round. 

Who is he? 

Who is Lamark? 

Same question; is it the same answer too?

His hand (he has hands) reaches out; touches the light.

 He knows now. 

He knows who Lamark is and why Lamark is not a part of Other Kids.

He is Lamark!


He turns towards the familiar voice; away from the light. Yet there is light there, as well; a light within.There's a light inside all of them. = 

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