God didn't choose what is perfect. He didn't choose the "Godly people". As it have said; God came for sinners, he did not came for people that are good. Come to think of it, how will you heal a person that is not sick?Healer are for people who needs to be healed. For example, I, myself, am a Christian. However, that does not mean I have been good all my life. I satisfy myself with pleasure, with earthly things, I cheated, I lied, I kept so many secrets. I am a sinner. And Jesus was just like looking at me being a mess and said "I'll take that, I want that one." Usually, people keeps on saying that they don't want to approach God for they are too sinful to receive Him, but that is the perfect moment. That is the perfect moment to surrender and to give everything to God. As a matter of fact, God will choose the worst one and show everyone how that person will become the best. For that is how God works.