Ep 1- What discussion?

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Author's pov

It was a peaceful morning, y/n was sleeping peacefully. Sunlight came from the window of her room and fell on her face, she already woke up and got annoyed.

 Sunlight came from the window of her room and fell on her face, she already woke up and got annoyed

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She was laying on the bed and trying to sleep. When she felt someone's presence in her room.
It was her mom "Y/n wake up, it's morning" she blabbered.

Y/n turned her face towards the wall and spoke "Mom, let me sleep" her mom didn't response "It's only 6 a.m., why are you calling me this early?" y/n told in a sleepy tone.

Her mom made a 'like really ?' face "What have you gone mad? It's already past 9 and you are still sleeping and telling to me it's only 6?"

Y/n's pov

I was confused, I saw the clock 2 mins ago it was 6 and now past 9? How? I thought and looked at the clock. Just to see yeah, it's true.

My eyes widen as I saw, it was already past 9 it means I saw the clock more that 3 hours ago and thinking it's just been 2 mins.

When mom spoke "Baby, we have something really important to discuss with you" then she disappeared. Y/n was just watching the disappearing figure of her mom and wondering what is this much important? When mom shouted from downstairs "Baby, come fast". I got up did my morning routine, changed my clothes and came down.

Author's pov

Y/n's brother and dad smiled at her, she smiled back in a awkward smile. Then she took her seat.

 Then she took her seat

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"Tadaa... your favourite pancakes are ready" y/n smiled at her mom and took 1 pancake on her plate, others did the same.

Mrs. Lee went to the kitchen to take the jug of mango juice. When y/n spoke "So dad what is the discussion mom was talking about?"


I hope u guys are liking the story.

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