Ep 4 - Jungkookie's idea

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Tae's pov

I told Jung all about my feelings.

"No hyung I don't think so, we're very close friends previously and I know which types of boys she like. And ykw she even used to tell that she has a crush on someone, but never told whom....but but but many times I got clue that she loves you. One of em were, one day I went to her house and she was like writing something in her diary. I just was just going to take a sneak peek but saw her already giving me death glare. Then, when she was beating me with the notebook and it fell down I caught a quick glimpse and saw something like 'I love Taeh....' or something like that..."

I was kinda confused "really?". Jungkook gave me a 'duhh' look "I don't think my eyes will cheat on me". After hearing this something happened in my heart, wheather I don't know what happened.

Do she really loves me? If I tell her about my feelings will she really tell me the feelings of her towards me? Do she really has feelings towards me? If I tell her I love her will she really tell that she loves me too? If I tell her I want her in my life will she really tell she wants to marry me? Will she really hold my hand?

Alot of questions were spinning around my mind. When I told kookie "But that's long time ago and I really can't tell my feelings to her" I told in a restless tone. "Then tell your parents you love y/n, you want to marry her blah blah wtvr. You know hyung, you are really dumb..you can't tell your feelings to whom you love" At last he changed his tone in a really exhausted tone.

"Maybe I should go for the second idea, I want to go for the first idea but I can't" Jungkook just hummed.
Why I can't tell y/n about my feelings? Why? What if she gets angry with me that why I didn't tell her about my feelings? What if she loves someone else but marry me and then cheat on me? Then our both's life will get ruined. I really don't care about my life but hers? What if she kill herself- no no no. Nothing will happen, but if something happens?

Then I saw the clock, it was 10 as I need to talk with my parents today, I went early.

Flashback of yesterday night

Mrs. Kim's pov

I was making dinner in the kitchen and my husband, Mr

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I was making dinner in the kitchen and my husband, Mr. Kim is in the house office, doing his work. Today he didn't went to office. I was thinking about tae's marriage, He's 28 but still single. I think I should talk about tae's marriage with tae and yeobo.
When someone opened the door, Who's that? When tae came inside my eyes widen. Tae? Tae this early? How?
"Hi, eomma" "Hi" I said with a awkward smile.

In the dinning area

In the dinning area

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Tae's pov

I came downstairs and took my seat, then I started eating when eomma asked "Why you came so early today?"
"Nothing eomma, today I was just not feeling well" eomma spoke in a worried tone "you ok now?..you should go and take some rest"
When I showed my hand to eomma as 'ni need to be tensed, you sit' "Actually eomma, appa I have something to tell you" appa stared at me "tell" I became worried but I gathered all my courage "I love y/n..I want to marry her"


I hope you guys loved this ep.

What do you think do y/n loves tae?

Will y/n agree to marry tae?

I will be waiting for your thinkings.

And yeah don't forget to vote this ep if u liked it.

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