Ep 2- Marriage?

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Y/n's pov

After I said that, dad gulped "Umm, princess...." He stopped. Why he is thinking this much? What discussion is it? He's even sweating a bit.
My brother was so curious "Dad, dad continue? Why did you stopped?" Dad was still sweating "Umm nothing" then he was finally going to speak but suddenly a call came which left us dumbfounded.

In the call

Mr. Kim - Hello, Mr. Lee, good morning
Mr. Lee - Good morning, Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim - Did y/n agreed?
Mr. Lee - No... actually I am just going to tell her
Mr. Kim - Ohh, I got scared, i thought she denied
Mr. Lee - I hope she will not.
Mr. Kim - Yes, may she agree...ok now bye, I have some work.
Mr. Lee - ok bye!

Call cut

"Dad, who was that?" I asked, he just dryly replied "Mr. Kim" ohh Mr. Kim, dad's best friend and yeah soon our companies will have a collaboration. But why dad is behaving like this today?
So I asked again "Dad now tell me what is the discussion mom was talking about?" When he was going to tell "actua-" he got cutted off by no one other than mom"Baby, actually Mr. Kim's son, Kim taehyung loves you....he wants to marry you.." I was there with no response, when my brother choked "Ahha ahha..mom what are you telling?" "She told correct.... princess if you agree to marry him then we'll fix the day of your wedding and all....just tell me do you agree or not?"
I remained silent cuz it was like, so many emotions attacking at the same time. When brother spoke "Mom, dad she's too young for marriage and first of all she doesn't love someone, she is still single...and when she don't love someone why-"
He got cutted off by mom "first of all she's 24, enough for marriage.... second of all we noticed that y/n loves taehyung and taehyung loves her back then why shouldn't they get married?"
I ran upstairs after hearing those first few words.

 second of all we noticed that y/n loves taehyung and taehyung loves her back then why shouldn't they get married?"I ran upstairs after hearing those first few words

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I hope you guys are loving this story.

And yeah what do you guys think will y/n agree to marry Taehyung?

Why y/n ran upstairs do she really love Taehyung?

Tell me your thinkings through the comment section.

And yeah don't forget to give me feedback through the comment section.

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