Ep 8 - The truth

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And when I came close to the door she spoke "Don't tell me that you love her......."

I took a glare at her "What if I tell yes?" I replied with a cold face and looking direct into her eyes.

"What the fuck Tae, how could you love tha-"

I just ran away taking the keys of my car, so i couldn't hear the whole thing nor I wanna hear.

I harshly went to the car and settled myself their and I could clearly see a car which was been drinking recklessly. And I knew, it was no one other than y/n. So I quickly followed the car.

But unfortunately, for some congested traffic, everything messed up. But somehow after a long time I reached at y/n's place.

I intensely ran infront of the door and saw the door was open. I quickly went inside and saw no one other than a maid. I quickly asked her "Mamyousawy/n?whereisshe?inherroomright?"

The woman made a confused look, when I realised what I told "arghh, I mean you saw y/n? Is she in her room?" I told in a polite way.

"Umm yes sir, she just went up-" "ohh thank you" i cutted her off and rushed towards y/n's room, which was upstairs. As I went close to her room I saw her mom, banging the door.

"Y/n, y/n what happened? Why are you not opening the door? Baby please listen to your mom...open the door ple- ohh Taehyung, you here?"

I was looking at the door when aunt spoke. "Umm yes aunt, actually umm I don't know what happened to her....but maybe I need to talk with her"

"Umm she came from your house right? As she was telling that you called her to come at your place today.....a few days ago". When I remembered "ohh yeah..yeah I called her yeah"

"Umm I think you guys need to talk I'm going, you talk with y/n" I just nodded and she went from there. When I heard a sob.

"Y/n, y/n I'm Taehyung... please open the door, I need to talk with you"

"Taehyung?...why you came here? You go and enjoy with your girlfriend..." She yelled.

"Y/n, she's just my bff nothing else, you are consuming us wrong" i spoke.

"Duhh, I don't know all these....You may leave" she almost yelled at me.

"But I came he-" "YOU JUST LEAVE ME!!!! I DON'T WANT TO TALK WITH YOU!!" She screamed in frustration ofc.

"O- ok" I told like an obedient child and came downstairs.

"Y/n told somethi-" she stopped after seeing me walking with my head hung low and shooking it.

End of flashback

There was a awkward silence, when I grabbed y/n's hand with my left hand. She changed her glare from outside to our hands. "Y/n you really love me right? You'll not cheat on me right?".

Wtf I don't know why I told that. Like really I don't know why I told that, I'm such a dumbass. Like I want to slap myself.

Y/n's pov

There was a awkward silence when tae grabbed my hand with his long slender fingers. I changed my direction of gaze from outside of the car towards the place where our hands interwined.

When he told something which made my heart heavy. "Y/n you really love me right? You'll not cheat on me right?" I was kinda shocked to know that he still don't fully trust me, that I love him.

Like literally, I never even dreamt to get asked this questions from my freaking CHILDHOOD CRUSH.

"Ahh tae I love you from the bottom of my heart....and yeah never ask me this silly questions" I said with a pout on my face and he caressed my cheeks with his soft lips. Which made me bit my lower lip. "Ok I'll not...and umm someone is blushing huh?" I blushed harder.

Time skip

"We almost reach our destination". I was curiously looking outside, and i could see from the side of my eye that someone was staring at me and smiling too.

Then he went out of the car and opened the door for me."Thank you" I smiled and came out of the car. "You're welcome! Soon to be Mrs. Kim". He said in a flirty way ofc.

"Y/n, you believe me right?" He said in a serious tone."Yeah, ofc." I really believe him from the bottom of my heart you know.

Then he took out a cloth from nowhere "I have a surprise for you, so...you need to close your eyes and, yeah if you feel uncomfortable then no need of that" I believe him from the bottom of my heart and I don't wanna make him upset.

"I will never feel uncomfortable with you, babe" I smiled and held his hand, he smiled and he tied the cloth around my eyes."Is it ok, sweetheart?"

"Yeah, it's perfectly fine" i replied. And we interwined our hands together, I was feeling the warmth of his palm.

Then we slowly started walking somewhere. But suddenly it felt like I was all alone, no one there and I couldn't even feel the warmth of his palm.

"Tae....tae" I was a Lil trembling in fear while taking small steps keeping my arms forward.

And finally I finally untied the cloth and lifted my eyelids, just to see that darkness has surrounded me. The only source of light there was, the moonlight and the creepy sounds of waves. Suddenly from the side of my eye I saw something bright. And I saw a stunning location with a magical atmosphere. To be honest, a perfect spot for date.

When I saw a dark outline, coming in a close range. I was just taking my steps back, and suddenly a massive stone came in my way. And i was about to fall when the dark shape held my hand.


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And what do u think, who's that dark mass? Tae or.........?

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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