Ep 5 - Love in call

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Mrs. Kim's pov

When tae told that I had no words to describe my feelings. Yeobo was a little shocked when I pushed his shoulder giving him a awkward types of smile and he smiled at tae and I was already smiling.

Tae's pov

They were smiling after hearing my words "Eomma, appa this is not a joke...I am telling my real feelings to you" "We know tae and we're so happy to know that".

I smiled at them after hearing eomma's words, when appa spoke " Do y/n know that?..did she agree in this marriage?".

My smile vanished. I looked at appa "No appa...I can't express my feelings to her...I don't have that much courage to tell her and if I tell her but if she denies?". Appa's smile vanished but when eomma chuckled "I was thinking about your and y/n's marriage, today only I was going to tell this to you guys, and you know why I was thinking about your and y/n's marriage? Because I many times caught, noticed and saw you and y/n seeing, smelling, touching and speaking with each other with full of love and affection".

When appa smiled "Yeah, I also saw these many times but no need to embarrass him this much" then both of them chuckled and I was left there blushing. "Ok, so tomorrow morning I will call and this to your beloved belated father-in-law and I am sure y/n will not deny" again both of them chuckled by hearing 'beloved belated father-in-law'

End of flashback

Y/n's pov

As I ran upstairs, my brother was going to run after me when mom stopped him and told something to him. I went to my room and called tae, I was sitting on the bed.

Tae's pov

I did alot work today. Today I completed my yesterday's work also today's work and I didn't slept the whole night doing work. So I was double tired, I was thinking about to take sometimes of break. When someone called me, when I saw the ID my eyes widen, It was y/n.

If she gets angry with me? What will happen? Wtvr I gathered all my courage and picked up the call.

In the call

Tae- H-hello y/n-n.
Y/n- Hi!
Tae- How-w are y-you?
Y/n- Fine, but why are you stuttering?
Tae- Umm, we are talking in call so many days later... are you somehow angry with me?
Y/n- No, why I will be angry at you?
Tae- Huhh, Mr. Lee didn't tell you?
Y/n- What will he tell?
Tae- Umm, first tell you will not get angry at me.
Y/n- Ok, I will not get angry with you, now tell.
Tae- Umm, I love you y/n.
Y/n- What?
Tae- Y/n, you told you will not get angry at me and yeah I really love you.
Y/n- .............
Tae- Y/n, I really really love you, I want you in my life.
Y/n- ..............
Tae- Y/n I want to marry you. Will you marry me?
Y/n- Yess.
Tae- What?
Y/n- I really love you tae, and yeah I accept your marriage proposal..but I didn't tell anything to my parents.
Tae- Really?
Y/n- hmm
Tae- But why didn't you tell anything to your parents?
Y/n- Why didn't you tell me that you love me? *pout*
Tae- *chuckle* Actually I thought you will deny me.
Y/n- Ahh tae, I love you
Tae- I love you too darling
Y/n- But first I want to go on a date with you then I will tell my parents that I agree about that marriage
Tae- hmm so my princess want to go on a date today hmm?
Y/n- But you have work right?
Tae- I did all my work of today all night.
Y/n- Huh..you didn't slept yesternight?
Tae- Umm noo.
Y/n- why? *Worried*
Tae- Umm actually I had alot work yesterday and when I completed my work, it was 6 so I thought to do my today's work and now it's 10:30 so completed.
Y/n- Huh only in 4½ hrs?
Tae- Yeah, actually today I did my work really fast.
Y/n- Ohh
Tae- Ok, so today let's go on a date on the beach... how's it?
Y/n- Gud..umm ok, you first get some nap ok?
Tae- As my princess says...ok sweetheart today I will go to your house to pick you up at 7 ok?
Y/n- Ok tae bye!
Tae- byee sweetheart!!


I hope u guys liked this ep.

And yeah don't forget to send me feedback through the comment section.

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