Ep 7 - My girl bff

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After hearing the honk "Ok mom bye, see you soon". Mom showed me a waving hand as a 'bye bye' "Bye baby, take care of yourself and your beloved belated husband" I twinkled and left. I came outside and saw a black car and a handsome man standing infront of it, back facing me.

I ran there and hugged tae "Hello dear (belated) hubby" I said with a cute smile on my face. Tae gave me a bouquet "Love you, sweetheart". "Love you more....you came 2 minutes early" I said in a teasing tone."Actually I couldn't wait to see my sweetheart"
The fragrance of the bouquet is soo beautiful and it's way too much addictive (my hubby is more...) that I am constantly smelling it.

) that I am constantly smelling it

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Tae's pov

After cutting the call, I can't believe myself. I literally told y/n that I love her? And she's loves me too? My god I can't believe this. It's like I am dreaming and I am able to control my story. Like wtf is happening?

Time skip

I was thinking which coloured outfit should I wear? Black? Blue? Grey? Green? Brown? "I should call y/n"

Time skip after the call

"Ok, so y/n told her favourite colour is black" so i should wear something black, ofc.

Time skip

I went to y/n's house to pick her up. As i honked the car horn and came outside my car. Y/n came outside, she was looking so elegant that my eyes were stucked on her.

I didn't even notice when she came and I don't know when I gave her the bouquet, like my eyes were hella stucked on her face. Wheather idk when she hugged me... wheather ofcourse when I was in my delusional world.

Goshh!! Anyone save me!! Why I love her this much?!? It's normal that your girlfriend will hug you so? But me..a piece of shit. My world literally stopped, my heart beats increased.

"Love you sweetheart"

She broke the hug and stare at me with her beautiful doe eyes. "Love you more.....you came 2 mins early"

"Ohh yeah.. actually I couldn't wait to see my sweetheart"

I opened the front door of the car. Y/n smiled and sat on the seat next to the driver seat.Then I went to the driver seat and sat next to her.

Then I took a glare at y/n, who was in her own dreamland. And i noticed she didn't locked the seat belt. I went close to her, grabbed the seat belt and locked it.

"What are y- you d- doing?". And she was already blushing like a red tomato.

"You forgot to lock the seat belt" I peaked her nose.

Time skip

We were just talking normally. Like we know each other from diapers, so it's obvious we each other pretty well. But from last 2 years, she don't talk to me that much like the way we did.

Maybe because one day, she saw me and my bff chilling and watching Netflix. Maybe she thought she's my girlfriend.


It was Sunday evening. Eomma and appa were in a foreign land. I was just doing extra work and other just to timepass. When someone rang the doorbell, I went and opened the door just to stumble backwards due to a bear hug. Ahh it was my bff, Yun Hee.

"Hey, angry bird" I teased her.

"Wtf Tae, here I came to meet you after a period of long time and you....""Wtvr come in, come in"she came inside while looking out for someone."Tae where is aunt and uncle?"

"Ohh eomma and appa are beyond borders for some personal work" I replied and Yun Hee made a 'o' face"ohh...wtvr Tae are you free right now?"

"Yeah, yeah, I was just doing extra work to pass the time "

"Ok so let's go, wooohoo" Yun Hee climbed on the couch and almost started jumping. "Yaeyyy, finally...."

"Hey angry bird, what are you telling?" I said with squint eyebrows.
"Tae, let's watch movies hmm?" I made a questioning gaze "Yeah it's ok, but why are you overacting?"

"Duhh, Tae we will spent time almost after 6 months and you a cold ass" she rolled her eyes.

"Ok ok, now let's talk a Lil bit and let me order some snacks then we'll start the movie ok?"

Time skip

Like we were watching a horror movie. We were laying on the couch with a blanket on us, and lights off.

When I heard a weird sound from nowhere, I was a Lil scared so slowly I stare at the door. Just to see someone in white dress.

"OHH MY GAWD!!! GHOST!!! YUN HEE...YUN HEE GHOST!!!! OMG!!" I closed my eyes tightly.

"OHH MY GOD!!! TAE SAVE ME!!!! OHHH GODD......." she took a deep breath "Hey you g- ghost see we're n- not gon- gonna harm you....so please d- don't harm us"

And in that time I went to the kitchen at took a pan and then went to turn on the lights. Yun Hee hugged me tightly, i didn't understand why after seeing it the ghost took a step back.

Then I turned on the lights and my eyes widen. It was y/n she was standing there with a cold, pale face and watery eyes, when I heard her sob and she tapped her nose and just ran away. I was just going to run but "Hey Tae what's wrong with that girl? Hmm? Wait ain't that y/n? Yeah that was y/n. Why she came here? Wut's wrong with her lo- Tae?"

I just kept quiet and stare at her disappearing figure.

Did she somehow thought that Yun Hee is my girlfriend? And I love her? Dammit!! This can't happen. But then why she cried? My god! I need to go to her rn.

"Hey Tae, I asked you something....give me answers" I just took a glare at her eyes and then slipped her hands from my arm and ran.

And when I came close to the door she spoke "Don't tell me that you love y/n".


Hope you guys liked this ep.

And yeah what do u think tae will reply hmm?

Will he tell the truth?

Don't forget to convey ur imagination through comments.

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