Ep 6 - Over the moon

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Author's pov

Y/n jumped on her bed after cutting the call. "Oohhooo, I am finally going on a date with my love. Omg I can't believe myself" she freaking shouted.

Time skip after 2 hours

Y/n's pov

It was 12:30, when I came outside of my room and came downstairs. I was so excited that I can't express myself. I saw mom in the kitchen and rushed to her.

Mrs. Lee's pov

Y/n went upstairs when Yoongi, my son was going to rush after her, and I stopped him and tried to make him understand, and he finally understood.

Then my husband and son went to the company, wheather y/n was upstairs, but I didn't go there maybe she is thinking about the marriage. And my daughter in law, Aera went on a business trip.

So I was alone and doing the house chores which were almost done. So I watched television, and it was 12 when I went to make the lunch and the one and only thing that is roaming inside my head is it's been 1½ y/n locked herself in her room. Should I go and check her?

Time skip

Lunch was almost ready. When someone suddenly back hugged me. My legs and hands were shaking in nervousness when I saw it was no one other that y/n.

I felt relieved "Why you locked yourself in your room for so long?" "Umm, ykw mom? I took a long nap".

Huh? Wtf I thought she was thinking about the marriage but she was sleeping.... it's the differentiate between expectation and reality."Did you even thought anything about the marriage?"

Y/n's pov

When she asked me about the marriage, i spoke "Umm mom, actually I was thinking to go on a date with taehyung" mom supported me "Hmm, you are right baby, first you should go on a date with him then decide....so you called taehyung?"
I nodded as a yes "So when you two loving birds are going?" We both chuckled "Today, night" "Oh my my-" Today only, may y/n not mess up everything. "You two are really loving birds wtvr, where you guys are going?"

(Author's note:Don't think that Mrs. Lee is a strict mom that's why she is asking all this actually y/n is too friendly with her mom that's why...ok now let's go back to the story)

"On the beach.. I am soo excited" Maybe my (belated) son in law is a cold person but a romantic husband. I cluttered my eyebrows teasingly.
"Hmm, so my daughter is getting married to a really romantic man huh" I accent and we both chuckled.

Time skip

Y/n's pov

Now it's 6. I was scrolling through my phone when tae called me. I took the call.

In the call

Tae- Hello, y/n!
Y/n- Hello!
Tae- What's you favourite colour?
Y/n- Huh, why?
Tae- You tell na
Y/n- Ok, it's black
Tae- Umm close, mine is grey, ok bye

Call cut

Before I could even tell anything he cutted the call. Wtvr it's time, I should start getting ready. Then I went in my big wardrobe. "What should I wear? Skirt and top? Nahh not good for date. Dress? Nahh no mood. Jeans and top? Yeah. I should wear jeans and top atleast it's comfortable".

Then I was choosing my top "Ahh which one should I wear? These ones? nahh i wore them alot. Maybe these ones? Nahh too tight. This? Nahh. This one? Nahh....."

Tae told his favourite colour is grey, i should wear something grey. BUT I HAVE SOOO MANY GREY OUTFITS WHICH ONE SHOULD I WEAR?!?!?

Time skip

"Hmm, done" I said after doing my so called 'No-Make-up-Make-up'

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"Hmm, done" I said after doing my so called 'No-Make-up-Make-up'. Then I came downstairs in the living room, And saw mom scrolling through her phone while sitting on the couch.

I was so excited, I ran there and back hugged her neck "Hi, mom" "Aww, my lil baby going on her first date?" I nodded "How's my outfit?" Mom scanned my whole body "Hmm, to be honest beautifully-gorgeous" I smiled, When a car honking sound came from outside.


I hope you guys are liking my story and yeah don't forget to vote the eps which ones you liked.

And yeah don't forget to send me feedback through the comment section.

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