Chapter 26

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On the last chapter ,
Chinki's Mother Gave An Amazing plan To Chinki For Proving herself as innocent infront of sidd and his family. by hearing to this , Minki called Avni and had some conversation. after the call Ended , Minki talked to herself
To be continue...

At the next day morning ,
Chinki standing infront of Nigam's House with a evil smile on her face
The door is opened
Before entering , she is faking the tears in her face for the drama
After it , she entered and noticed vibha aunty sitting in the living hall
Vibha aunty is watching something in her phone
Avneet came from kitchen
Avni surprised to see Chinki at the morning and remembered the call with Minki And Her Words...
Mind Of Avni :
I didn't expect she will be here at the morning and looking like she gonna make a big drama by her face...Now I know onething , today morning will be worst...
- Ended -
Vibha aunty noticed chinki and got anger
V-A : How dare you to come here ? (Started shouting in anger) After making a big mistake by kidnapping my daughter in law , You are here to face us!!!
By hearing to the sound , Abhi Vaish And Sidd came to living hall
They got same anger , when they see chinki in the living hall
Chinki started to cry and fake tears are coming from her eyes in her face as real...
All are shocked for a minute by seeing her tears
Chinki sit on her both knees and started to cry more like she lost someone important to her
Chinki Pov :
At first , all got shocked when they see me with tears...I guess my drama will end successfully...All will surely beleive in me and fallen into my drama!
- Ended -
Avni is surprised by her acting skills but she is not interested to stop her from acting , she want to enjoy a little by her drama
Chinki started to speak
Chinki : I am sorry aunty , I know I made a big mistake...I didn't want to kidnap Avneet But... (sobs)
Sidd : But what! (With anger)
Chinki : Sidd...I am forced to do it (sobs)
All are shocked
Avni is speechless by her acting
Avni Pov :
I guess , her sister is right
Her drama...Anyone can beleive it!
I thought something but here happening something else...If it goes like this then for sure...My family will believe in her again and fall into her fake drama
- Ended -
Abhi : How?
Chinki : (Sobs) I got a call from an unknown person...I attended the call to know who is it...He said me to kidnap Avneet...I said I can't at first but...he said he have my father alive...if I want to see him then I should kidnap Avneet...(Sobs) I have no other choices also...From childhood Me and My twin grown up without seeing my father..Once my mom said , he left us and gone...when I got that call...I got some happiness of getting my father alive...also became sad for kidnapping avni...I planned to kidnap her and leave avni later after I met my father but...I got to know Avneet got escaped (sobs) I called that person more than times but...the call is unreachable then I thought it's plan
All got more shocked and Avni stunned by her acting
Chinki : I guess they want Avneet but I don't know for what but they used me to reach avni...I am an stupid...I shouldn't belive them and kidnap Avneet... (sobs)
Chinki Pov :
I think...all belived in me...It's all because of avneet , she didn't tell them about what I said to her...
- Ended -
Chinki wiped her tears
Chinki : I am really sorry... please forgive me...
Vibha aunty gone near Chinki and helped her to stand...
V-A : It's okay...I am not anger at you also I can understand what you feel at that's not your mistake...I forgiven you
Chinki smiled brightly
Chinki : Thank you aunty
Abhi And Vaish , They don't have any other choice so they also forgiven her
Chinki slowly moved her target towards sidd and Avni
Chinki : Sidd And Avni I am sorry...Won't you both forgive me ?
Avni can't do anything hereafter...she lost her hope of getting her family out of her drama
Before avni could say something...Sidd started speaking
Sidd : Whatever the reason is...I won't forgive you also I won't believe you at all...Maybe My mom , bro and sis in law forgiven you but not me even Avni won't forgive you because she will stand with me...I am right my wifey ? (Sidd looked at avni)
Avni nodded with a bright smile
Sidd Pov :
Avni said me each and everything including your talk with her miss drama queen...maybe my family will beleive in you but I never...I won't let you hurt anyone in family even I don't let you to come near them also always my eyes on you then only I will get to know your other devil plans...Avni said me about your drama too...I won't forgive you also I won't leave without teaching you lesson
- Ended -
Sidd : Get out of my home...Never try to come into my home and if you try to have any contact with my family then no one will be worst as me...being rude is not my character but being rude to few peoples is good for me and my family...Then I can be rude..!
To Be Continue...

~ Author Js

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