Yoga: what it is to humanity

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Man's unquenchable thirst for Realisation introduced him to God and himself. Then, his unconditional love for the same God compelled him to create a medium that would be the connection between his very soul and The Lord's. Such a medium was thus created in the very Heart of Indus Land. And it was christened Yoga- The Union of the Known and Unknown.

Much of the Western World today, is familiar with only the physical form of Yoga called the Hatha Yoga which deals in conservation and preservation of the vital force of life in the mortal body. But, it is still widely unknown that it was during the formation of the Yogic Ideas itself that it's creators had already made themselves limitless by breaking themselves from the very bonds of material world and physical existence. They found a way for the Lone existence of Pure Conscience of Human mind without the body. This they did, through Bhakti Yoga- another spiritual form of Yoga.

This too was, another mere fragment. The Karma that man may commit himself to- ranging from the simplest chores to the grandest missions of humanity has the potential to lead humanity to Jyoti, the Light which is the embodiment of Enlightenment and Realisation.

We saw how Yogic Principles have the Capability of commanding every sphere of man's life. One requires just Pure Devotion and Submission to reap it's profound benefits. Yoga was created such that it may last till the end of Humanity. The need for Yoga and Yogic discipline is necessary for Human mind and body. It does not matter at all, the age or generation to which a persona may belong to, the only qualification he or she needs is devotion and Righteousness.

Today's World and generation is sinking deeper and deeper in the clutches of The same unfortunate Maya that Shankaracharya had himself warned us about. We have started to mock the man who expresses selfless love for all and admire those who worship material and evil thoughts all their life. To what depths have our people fallen!

This clearly demonstrates the lack of discipline and Judgement in today's world. We are completely lost in Illusion and sorely need a Guiding Light that may raise us from the depths we have fallen too. That medium no doubt, is Yoga. It will give us the same determination to achieve Bliss, the same that compelled the Swami Vivekananda to say-

"Arise! Awake! Stop not until the Goal is reached."

Yoga is not something that voices our aspirations. It is something that provides solution as to how to fulfill them. That is why, brethren, I say that it is the need of the hour.

Pray, The people of the World who are my own kithand kin, may be able to wear off the Selfish nature of Man. The Path of Mokshabeckons us and in future, we shall all tread upon that undivided Path andbecome a part of the 

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