your happily ever after

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You were a strong beautiful kunoichi all the men in your village wanted to be with you but because you were the daughter of the leader no one dared to mess with you there were times where you had to protect the village and you did it fiercely the children of the village looked up to you and you enjoyed spending time with them but you find out that you're clan is making an alliance with the dragon lineage and you were fine with it until your father tells you that you will be marrying the son of the leader which you did not complain cause your father was kind but you did not want to get on his bad side so when it came time to meet the clan you wore your mask your beautiful E/C gleaming with pride your outfit was black and sleek with small hints of pink once you see the son it makes your heart skip a beat but you did not let it show his piercing green eyes bore into yours as his father spoke to yours in just in a weeks time you would be married to young Ryu Hayabusa he was strong you learned he single handedly took care of the black dragon blade threat it left you in awe cause you have never done something like that ever so once everything is settled you go back to your village that night it is attacked by the black spider Ninja's you fought them off as much as you could one cuts your arm making you whince but you keep fighting them until a spider like demon appers it launches at you making you jump out of the way as you try to cut it your sword breaks making you fall to the ground it hits you hard making your mask fall off as it is about to kill you a black figure kills it so quick you didn't see who it was then ryu stood in front of you extending his hand to you which you took "are you alright" ryu asks as he helps you up "yes i am fine thanks for the help" you reply as he lets you go he sees the cut on your arm then looks back at you "you need to get that treated immediately" he says softly and you nod in agreement and go to get it looked at turns out the cut wasn't that deep and you didn't need stitches so it gets bandaged you thanked Ryu for saving you "I liked the way you held your own out there" he says softly making you smile "thanks that means a lot coming from someone as strong as you" you reply making him chuckle "well in a week we are to be wed so please be careful" he says making you blush slightly "yes of course until then" you reply before leaving to your home you tell your dad what happened and he was surprised he showed up cause their village is quite far from yours it puzzled you both so as the new week hits you are pushed into wedding plans trying to get everything together it was weird how excited everyone was when you weren't I mean you haven't seen his face yet and he has already seen yours you then are told the wedding is in three days it made you nervous cause both of you weren't in love so how would this even work but you would make it work for the clan and the Village so you did your best not to let your feelings show as you continued with the plans as the day gets closer and closer you got anxious so you begin to meditate to relax your mind and body which helps a lot so you get back to packing all your belongings cause after you are married you will be living with Ryu in his village so the day as finally arrived for you to marry him so you were grabbed and prepared to marry him you wore your special kimono for this special day it was white and had small hints of pink your hair was put up in a beautiful bun with very little makeup when it came time for you to walk to him your eyes meet his you see how handsome he truly is and it makes your cheeks turn red once you make it to him he gives you a sweet smile which you gladly return the ceremony goes by in a blur and the next thing you know you are inside his house and he helps you settle in he shows you where you will sleep for now cause he knows you aren't comfortable sleeping in the same bed as him yet so that night you spend time trying to get to know him better you both are surprised to see how much you have in common with each other it makes you fall for him fast the next thing you know you both are in a heated kissing session he makes you straddle his waist your hands are in his hair and his hands are resting on your ass you both are breathing heavily as you grind against each other he moves his lips down to your neck kissing every inch of skin there as he moves down to your collarbone making you moan softly with you're encouragement he removes your shirt he stops for a second "would like to take this back to our room" he asks making you blush deeply "yes please" you reply eagerly it makes him chuckle softly he picks you up bridal style to the bedroom and lays you down then unclasps your bra then removes it "you are so beautiful" he says as he leans down to take one of your nipples into his mouth and sucks on it gently making you moan softly his hands make quick work of your pants his hand slides into your panties and slowly rubs his finger across your clit making you gasp as you begin to shake slightly with pleasure he doesn't stop cause he loves the sounds you are making you unbuttoned his shirt and ran your hand down his chiseled chest making him shiver with pleasure as you did he pulls his hand out of your panties then removes his shirt and pants once he removes his underwear your eyes widen at his size it made you nervous "don't worry sweetie I won't hurt you" he reassured her making her relax "I believe you it's just I am a virgin so this is my first time" you say softly making him nod "as am I my love so this is new for us both" he replies before he slides off your panties letting the cool air of his room hit a your bare pussy it made you shiver once he brushed the head of his cock against your opening it made you gasp he slowly began to enter once he broke your hymn tears fell from your cheeks but he stopped all movement so you could adjust to his size he wiped away your tears after awhile you gave him the okay to move once he did you moan softly so he sets a steady pace your moans fill the room as you started to really enjoy it his hands were on your hips pulling you into every thrust he made sounds of his own once you were close his thumb rubbed against your clit and when you came your back arched and you moaned out his name loudly he kept going you knew he was close you could feel him throbbing inside you "please Ryu cum inside me" you moaned out making his hips stutter a second but then he releases inside you moaning out as he did once he comes down from his high he cleans you up then pulls you close "I really enjoyed that" you say with bright red cheeks it made him chuckle "I am happy you did cause I did as well now let's get some sleep" he says softly and you nod in agreement then you both fall asleep the next morning you wake up across his bare chest it made you blush deeply but you take a deep breath cause he was all yours and you were all his it didn't take long for him to wake up he looks down at you and smiles "I hope you slept well" he says softly making you gasp cause he startled you a little "I slept good thanks to you" you replied giving his chest a small kiss making him smile after the two of you ate breakfast he shows you around his village some pick on you cause some of the village heard the two of you last night it made you turn bright red but eventually you laugh it off cause you knew you were going to like it here with him and it made you smile and love Ryu even more so there was nothing for you to worry about at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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Ryu Hayabusa x FEM reader arranged marriage Where stories live. Discover now