11) kidnapped

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Kate had shocked Derek and Melanie causing them to scream.

"What are you doing to them is that going to kill them" Allison asked. "Oh, come on kiddo don't get all ethical on me now" Kate said and Melanie and Derek screamed again.

"What are they" Allison asked. "Shape shifters Lycans werewolves to me he and his cousin both are just another dumb animal" Kate said.

Melanie and Derek were shocked again. "Come here" Kate said going to Derek and Melanie. "See these right here" Kate said showing Derek's fangs.

"These are canines also known as fangs made for the tearing and rending of flesh not something you'd find on those cute little leaf eating herbivores is it" Kate said.

"This is a joke to you" Allison asked. "Sweetheart there are werewolves running around in the world everything's a joke to me" Kate said.

"How else do you think I stay sane" Kate asked. "So, it was them at the high school and all the other animal attacks" Allison asked.

"There's actually four of them another younger one like them called a beta and then there's the alpha, alpha's the pack leader bigger stronger nastier those are the real ugly monster" Kate said.

Kate and Allison had gone outside to talk more with Kate closing the door behind them. "When were they gonna tell me" Allison asked.

"They still haven't decided if they're gonna tell you" Kate said. "Why" Allison asked. "Let's just say if you react badly when you find out not good" Kate said.

"What do you mean not good" Allison asked. "They don't think that you can handle it they look at you and they see this frightened little girl who's gonna run crying in the corner when she finds out the truth me what I see natural talent, Allison, you said you wanted to feel more powerful right now's your chance" Kate said.

"What am I supposed to do now" Allison asked. "Go to school do your homework go to the formal on Friday be a normal teenage girl who doesn't know anything trust me to get everything ready for the next part" Kate said.

"What's the next part" Allison asked. "You're gonna help me catch the third beta" Kate said.


"Come on Derek he killed your sister and Melanie your aunt now either you're not telling me because well you want to kill him yourself or for some reason, you're protecting him" Kate said.

Kate took out Derek's driver's license going to him looking at him.

"Look at that sour face I bet you always used to get people coming up to you saying smile Derek why don't you smile more" Kate said walking away.

"Don't you just wanna kick those people in the face" Kate asked. "I can think of one" Derek said looking at Kate.

Kate had turned around facing them. "Promise cause if I thought you'd be that much fun I'd let you go" Kate said and started looking through the phone.

"Alright let's see nothing, nothing, nothing I hate this detective crap" Kate said.

"Are you gonna torture us or are you just gonna talk, us to death huh" Derek asked.

"Oh, sweetie I don't, I don't wanna torture you or your little cousin I just wanna catch up remember all the fun we had together" Kate said to Derek.

"Like the time you burned my family alive" Derek said. "No, I was thinking more about the hot crazy sex we had" Kate said.

"Oh TMI" Melanie said. "But the fire thing that was fun too" Kate said and Derek flinched at her.

"I love how much you hate me remember how this felt" Kate said and licked his abs.

"Ugh if you're gonna do that at least put me to sleep" Melanie said and Derek snapped his teeth at Kate.

"Sweetheart I really don't want to torture you or your cousin" Kate said and the door opened revealing a hunter. "But he does" Kate said and left.


"Unfortunately, Derek if you're not gonna talk I'm just gonna have to kill you and your cousin might even start with Melanie" Kate said causing Derek's heart to pick up.

"Leave Mel alone you wanna kill me fine but leave her be" Derek said. "Look at that older cousin, the protecter say hello to your sister for me" Kate said then thought about something.

"You did tell her about me didn't you the truth about the fire or did you" Kate asked walking towards Derek facing him.

"Did you tell anybody" Kate asked and saw the guilty look in Derek's face.

"Oh, sweetie that's just a lot of guilt to keep buried it's not all your fault you got tricked by a pretty face it happens handsome young werewolf mistakenly falls in love with a super-hot girl who comes from a family that kills werewolves" Kate said.

"Is that ironic is it ironic that you're inadvertently helping me track down the rest of the pack again" Kate asked.

"We're just a little bit of history repeating" Kate said and turned around thinking about something.

"History repeating" Kate said tapping her fingers and then faced Derek and Melanie.

"It's not Jackson is it oh no, no, no he's got a little scratch on the back of his neck but he's not in love with Allison not like Scott" Kate said realizing.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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