8) Raving

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"Do you have any idea what you were thinking" Bradley asked. "Nice to see you too" Melanie said.

"Okay don't play dumb Erica told me that you pushed her out of the way risking your life for hers you could've died" Bradley said. "But I didn't" Melanie said.

"Mel you're my best friend okay from the moment we met it was always us against the world I can't lose you I will not survive" Bradley said.

"Your best friend huh well correct me if I'm wrong but you barely been around you only show up every once in a while, to help and then we never hear from you again" Melanie said.

"You know why I do that" Bradley said. "And I'm sick of it if you want to help and be friends then stick around be a dang man not a coward because the Bradley, I remember this is not him" Melanie said and left.


Derek, Melanie, and Issac met up with Scott at the animal clinic. Scott opened the door to the animal clinic and Melanie, Issac, and Derek walked in. "What's he doing here" Scott asked.

"I need him" Derek said. "I don't trust him" Scott said. "Yeah, well he doesn't trust you either" Issac said.

"You know what and Derek really doesn't care" Derek said. "Would you three stop talking on third person before I rip someone's head off" Melanie said.

"Where's the vet is he gonna help us or not" Derek asked.

"That depends" Deaton said making his presence known and everyone looked at him.

"Your friend Jackson are we planning to kill him or save him" Deaton asked. "Kill him" Derek said. "Save him" Scott said and then looked at Derek.

"Save him" Scott said to Derek and looked at Melanie.

"Don't look at me I barely like Jackson I say the same thing" Melanie said, and Scott looked at Deaton. "Save him" Scott told Deaton.


Isaac went to touch something off the table when both Melanie and Derek stopped him. "Watch what you touch" Derek said.

"So, what are you some kind of, witch" Issac asked. "No, I'm a veterinarian unfortunately I don't see anything here that's going to be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin" Deaton said.

"We're open to suggestions" Derek said. "What about an effective offense" Issac asked.

"We already tried I nearly took its head off and Argent emptied an entire clip into it the thing just gets back up" Derek said.

"Yeah, annoyingly so" Melanie said and Derek shook his head. "My cousin everybody" Derek said. "Has it shown any weaknesses" Deaton asked.

"Well one it can't swim" Derek said. "Does that go for Jackson as well" Deaton asked.

"No, he's captain of the swim team" Scott said. "Essentially you're trying to catch two people" Deaton said and picked up coins.

"A puppet and a puppeteer" Deaton said showing them then put the coins down on the table. "One killed the husband but the other had to take care of the wife" Deaton said.

"Do we know why" Deaton asked. "I don't think Jackson could do it his mother died pregnant too and she was maybe murdered I think he couldn't let the same thing happen to someone else" Scott said.

"How do you know it's not part of the rules" Deaton asked.

"The Kanima kills murders if Jackson kills the wife, then the baby dies too" Issac said.

"Does that mean your father was a murderer" Scott asked. "Wouldn't surprise me if he was" Issac said.

"Hold on the book says they're bonded right what if the fear of water isn't coming from Jackson but from the person controlling him what if something that affects the Kanima also affects its master" Deaton said.

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