chapter 10

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I'm taking dayjah out so she can meet the girl I met at that one party I think her name was lexi or lexis w.e same thing rite.... I got up and stretched before walking to the bathroom I brushed my teeth and stepped into the shower after a few minute I felt the shower door open jordan came inside.

"Umm may I help u"

"Yea..pass me the axe"

I passed it to him and began scrubbing my self but he reached for the sponge and started scrubbing me

"Nigga I got two hands"

"The point is..."

I struggled my shoulders and allowed him to wash me. That's wen he got near my va-jj... He tried to stick his fingers in but I pushed him off me, I rinsed off and got out.. He is so sexually active.

I dried off and put my undergarments in. I lotioned up and put on my skinny tru religion jeans, my Bob Marley crop top and my roshe shoes. I put my Rolex watch and put my hair in a high ponytail. And put on lip gloss.. I'm natural beautiful unlike some ppl.

I went downstairs and dayjah was already done.

"Wat was all the noise in the bathroom this morning" dayjah asked laughing

" girl bye... And u shouldn't be talking wit all that screaming u was doing last ur throat should be sore"

"Shut up"

Jordan came down fully clothed just like Xavier.

"Where y'all going"

"Don't worry about it" they both said

"W.e" me nd dayjah walked out and into my customized Benz.. (Jordan bought it for me) it was black on the outside but in the inside it had cheetah print seats.. My fav

We made it to Lucy's cafe. We sat on the outside of her cafe. The waiter came by.

"Hello my name is john and I'll be ur waiter today.. R u lovely ladies ready to order" he said smiling

"Ummm not yet were waiting on a friend" I answered

"Take all the time u ladies need and I'll be back shortly" he winked before walking away

"Did something get in his eye" dayjah questioned

" no stupid.. He winked at us" I laughed

" he did omg.. He so damn ugly wit his McDonald edge."

"Fr..nigga standing here trying to conversate wit us..

" I think he likes u.. U saw how he
wa- "

"Skylarrrrr" Lexi said interrupting dayjah

"Hey lexi" I smiled getting up to hug her

"It's lexis actually" she smile

"Oh I'm sorry... Well this is my bestie la'dayjah but we call her dayjah

"Hello dayjah"

"Don't call me dayjah only ppl close to me call me that" she replied wit a Lil attitude

"Ok... I'm sorry la'daynah"

" its la'day-JAH"

"My bad.. gosh"

"Well let's order" I said trying to breaking the negative vibe

"U ready now beautiful" the waiter said

"Nigga do u want die" I asked taking my gun out and pointing it at him

He shook his head

"Ok so I advise u to stop talking all that shit fr"

"Yes... I'm sorry.. Umm I'll take ur orders now...


Our food finally arrived and the air is very thick at our table.. I just hope nothing goods wrong.. Finger crossed.

"Is there something I did to make u dislike me" lexis said breaking the silence

Dayjah didn't answer.

"Y u so got damn petty"

"U got damn rite I'm petty bitch" dayjah shouted and the unbelievable thing happened.. She threw her champagne at lexis.

Lexis took off her earrings, bracelet, and necklace, then tied her hair up.

Oh hell naw these bitch not about to fight.. Not in front of me

I held lexis back before she was about to up her foot up dayjah's ass. I walked her to the parking lot trying to calm her down cuz this bitch was heated.

" I'm so so sorry.. It was a ba-"

"Its ok its not ur fault.. Insecure bitches like her dont noe how to have a civilized conversation wit a real bitch like me" she replied calmly.

"Umm... I'll talk to u later"

"Alright.. Have a nice day" we hugged nd went our separate ways.

Dayjah was already at the car and since I had the keys it was locked.

I opened the door and we got in.

"Wtf was that back there.. That was the most disrespectful thing u have ever doe"

" I felt betrayed" she spook up

"Oh really... How is me being another person to lunch to get to know her better betraying.. And let's not forget wen yo lying ass deceived in front of everybody.. So please do not start the subject of betrayal"

She didn't reply she just snuck back into her seat.

That's wat I thought

We rode back home in complete silence. We finally got back to Jordan's house and dayjah rushed out. I locked the door and went inside. I walked over to Jordan who was sitting on the couch watching basketball and sat on his lap.

"Wat happened to dayjah.. Wen she came inside she rushed to the room and didn't even she hi to Xavier."

"Ok first I invited lexis to the cafe so we can get to noe each other but dayjah wasn't feeling it.. So she was just throwing shade at lexis for no fucking reason then she had the audacity to throw champagne at her.. I swear if I didn't hold lexis back dayjah ass woulda been in the hospital rite now.. Then in the car she talking bout I betrayed her so I put her on blast so...yeah."

I turned to face him and it looked like the nigga wasnt even listening..

"R u even listening"

"Yes I heard u... Sounds like everything went as planned" he chuckled.

"Barely... I'm so tired of dayjah's shit she acts like I can't have another friend wen at first she wasn't even a real frien-"

"Ight y'all we out... I'll swing by tomorrow" Xavier interrupted

"Ight" Jordan replied dapping him and then Xavier hugged me and said

"Bye lil sis"

"Just leave ugly" I joked

He flicked me off while laughing a Lil

I snuggled into jordan a lil bit nd reflection on the things that happened today...

This has been the longest day of my life


What y'all think about dayjah's reaction to lexis

How do y'all feel about lexis




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