chapter 22

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Next morning

I decided not to go to work today I'm not in the mood. Some girls would be crying they eyes out and begging the nigga to take them back but wtf I look like.

I looked at the clock and it read 9:04. I got up did my hygiene and went to j's room but he wasn't there. I went in the bathroom still no jaden but I heard the TV downstairs on. I ran downstairs so fast I coulda won the Olympics.

His big ol' headed ass was sitting on the couch watching the amazing world of gumball.

"Good morning mommy"

"Morning baby"

"Is daddy coming today"

"Umm I'm not sure"

"OK" he said frowning

"U hungry"

"Very" I laughed at him and walked to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and nothing was in there. I guess I'm going grocery shopping.

"J get ready we going to the store"


I went upstairs and changed into some black leggings and a red sweater with my uggs. I put on my beanie and left my hair down.

"I'm ready" jaden said I glanced at his outfit and he had on a red nike shirt wit his sponge pj's and his green roshe were on the wrong feet.

"Seriously" I laughed I took him black to the room nd took those pants on and put on his grey joggers nd put his socks nd nike slides on.

"Better" he nodded nd went downstairs, I got my keys nd locked the door behind me. I buckled him up in his seat nd got into mines nd drove to the nearest Walmart.


I held jaden's hand as we went through aisle getting junk food I went to grabbed the lucky charm from the top section forgetting I was only using one hand it fell. I was about to pick it up until some boy got it for me.

"Thank u"

"I guess it was met to be"

"Excuse me"

"We met at ur son's birthday party"

"Ooo Yea.. Umm lemme see yo phone"

I typed my number in nd gave it back.

"Maybe I could take u out tonight nd yo son could come to"

"Maybe, see u around..." I smirked

" La'marcus"

I waved bye to him nd walked up to the cashier..

"Your total is $2.50"

I gave her the money nd left. I put the groceries in the car nd strapped jaden. I got in nd drove off.


I decided to go on a date wit la'marcus no lie he was cute but I'm not sure if I can just move on so quickly.

Anyways I took me and J a shower we dried off nd got out. I gave him his underclothes nd he put it on. I put on my black lace panty set. I lotioned myself nd then jaden.

I put on his Versace shirt with his black Levi jeans nd his black timbs. I decided on a red cut out dress that hugged my curves nd my white christian louboutin pumps with a wristwatch.

I wasn't gonna look like a clown so I put nude lipstick nd mascara. I sprayed a lil perfume nd grabbed my purse.

I went downstairs nd began shutting everything down since Marcus texted me saying that his around the corner.

I grabbed jaden's hand nd got my key nd a pocket knife with pepper spray.. Better safe than sorry.

I few minutes later I heard a honk outside and knew it was him. I opened the front door nd stepped out with jaden behind. I locked up nd la'marcus was outside the car holding the door open for me

"I'll take him for u"

"Thank u" I replied hugging him then entering the car. He buckled J in nd got himself in nd started the engine.

"U look beautiful" he said putting his free hand on my hand

"U don't look to bad yo self"

"Yo boy looking fresh"

"I see"

The car ride was mainly quiet but enjoyable. We finally made it to olive gardens. He got J out then came to my side nd helped me out.


We walked up to the receptionist nd she sitted us wen Marcus told her he had reservations.

We got to our table nd sat down. We started having small talks nd getting to kno each other. And tbh he is really sweet nd he kno how to conduct himself.. Me like


We just came from the date nd Marcus is carrying a sleepy Jaden to bae. I washed my face nd put my hair in a messy bun. I changed into some short shorts nd a sports bra. I got in bed nd sat up watching TV then I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in"

"Ummm.. I was just wonder if I could crash here for the night"

"Sure" he walked in nd went straight to the bathroom, he came out a few minutes later with his gym shorts on. That body had a bitch in LA LA land.

I wouldn't mind kissin on those tattoos

"U see something u like ma" he asked. I didn't even kno I was staring till I felt myself drooling.

"Boy go on some where wit yo peanut head ass."

He left the room chuckling. I turned the TV off nd got comfortable in the bed. I finally found my spot nd my eyes began getting heavy.

Then drifted off to sleep......

Wat a day huh.





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