chapter 20

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I woke up early this morning to make breakfast for me and J before I go to work.

I got out the instant oatmeal and poured it into the pot so it can boil which should take long, so I went to get the bowls and sugar.

After 10 minutes the food was finish. I went up stairs to get me and jaden ready by then the food should be cooled down.

I shook him lightly. He got up stretching and rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning mommy"

Lawd Jesus that morning breath..

"Come on J let's go"

I picked him up and made him brush his teeth while I started the water. I stripped him outta his clothe just like I did myself.

After a good 20 minutes we go out. I dried him off first and then me.

I put on my undergarments, then i put on J mini boxers and under shirt. I lotioned him up and put on his spiderman shirt with his black tru's and his bred 11. I combed his hair and sent him downstairs.

After he left I decided on my purple jumpsuit with my white pumps. I added my Mk watch and my diamond earrings. I put my hair in a neat bun and brushed my baby hair down.

I went downstairs and saw jaden watching TV. I passed him his oatmeal as I packed his lunch.

I got my keys to my range rover nd closed all the lights and other appliance. I got jaden's lunch box and I held his hand as I unlocked the door to get out. As the door opened some one was out side about to knock wit there head down where the person lifted there head my mouth just flew open.. Literally

Excuse the mistakes

Who at the door.?





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