Episode 4

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One month later:

" Mummy yes, I've packed it, ok bye" I sighed.

I was moving out the house today with my parents before I give birth.

I walked back to my room to check if I have taken everything that I need and walked to the nursery to check also.

I then went to Ahmad's room to check up on him.

" I know you don't want me to leave but it's better I go because this baby isn't one, it's two and I need all the help I can get AND you can come see me anytime you want" I patted his shoulder.

" But I'm here to take care of you" he replied

" I need people with experience with it to help me, don't worry I'll be back after 40 days" I grinned.

" I'll probably come and pick you up before the 40 days but ok" He stood up and took his car keys to which I followed him.

The main clothes have already been taken to the house so we only had some extra stuff and Inna's clothes.

We arrived at the house and as soon as we entered, I saw Hamma Awwal and Afrah sitting in the living room watching slime videos.

I snuck up on them and hugged both of them from the back.

" My baby, how are you!?" I kissed Afrah on the check.

" Ashkum I missed you" Since she was a baby she called me Ashkum, it just stuck from there.

" Hamma you didn't miss me?" I pouted.

" Honestly I didn't" He smirked.

" Ba wani, you did and you know it, Where is Kamilla?" I asked him searching the room. He pointed upstairs because he was on his phone watching ball .

Ugh men and ball.

Ahmad came in and shook hands with Hamma as I went to the kitchen and got him something to drink. I came back and ran as possible upstairs to see mummy and Kamilla.

I found Kamilla massaging mummy's hair which by now I think her hands are in pain.

" Hooyo, I'm backk" I hugged her and kamilla.

" kami I missed you" I blew a kiss to her to which she did the same.

" I missed you too" she smiled.

" Hajiya of the house is back with her drama, Kamilla please take me away, I can't live in a house with her or i'll go crazy."

" Mummy, you hurt my feelings" I dramatically grabbed my chest.

" Gaskiya Mummy let me take you away from this crazy girl" she laughed.

" I'm not wanted here so let me go to my papa" I stood up to leave when mummy spoke.

" He's not around, he travelled so I guess your stuck with us" She high-fived kamilla. I love their relationship, she treats kamilla like one of her own.

I chatted with them a bit before going back downstairs to check on Ahmad. They went to the mosque so I sat with Afrah.

" Baby girl, I missed you sooo much, your sister and brother are coming soon" as I patted my belly.

" Ashkum, I have wanted to come to your house but Mama said I have school" she frowned just like her dad.

" Aww baby it's ok, ai it's summer so you can come over for a sleep over but I will be at kaka's house so you can come and have a sleepover here" I smiled at her.

Afrah was my first baby, I was 18 when she was given birth to and Hamma was living at home while he got his house ready because they had just moved back from UK. Afrah was the baby in the house and I grew an amazing bond with her that will Insha Allah last forever.

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