Family Line

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Do you have what it takes to survive? You see this new world requires a certain type of skill set. Now most people assume that because society fell, there are no rules. But In fact, there are rules that will help solidify your chances of surviving. You follow these rules, and your chances of survival increase, significantly. 

Rule 1. "Stay Calm and Collected": The worst thing you can do is panic because panic is the zombie's best friend. It turns humans into a buffet line. When people panic shit goes out of control, and you're not thinking straight. You could probably make the best decision under pressure, or the decision that gets you, and your group killed. So for love's sake, stay calm.  

Rule 2. "Choose Your Crew Wisely" : Ever heard of fantasy football? Yeah I thought so, essentially think of that. Your leaders are essentially your quarterbacks. You can't have an entire group of just quarterbacks. You need offense, and defense. You'll need a doctor, or someone with a slightly broader skill set rather than just the basic medical knowledge. Then you need a fighter, and in this case you'll need more than one. In this world you all have to be fighters. Then a strategist, someone who can make a quick plan, and do it effectively. 

Rule 3. "Secure Your Base": Find a solid-proof fortress. It should have multiple escape routes, a good supply of food and water, and a place where you can keep watch. Don't be dumb about it either. It would be very stupid to make a school your fortress because people will either go there for supplies or you will get overrun by walkers. 

Rule 4. "Master the Art of Weaponry": Sure, you might not be an angle of death, who can shoot a bullseye every time but knowing how to handle a firearm or a knife is a must these days. 

Rule 5. "Run Like Hell. HIGH KNEES, MOVE YOUR FEET!": Now all walkers are slow, and if there's a herd of them it might seem difficult to escape. If you can't outrun them, you're doing something wrong. Can't run then find a place to wait them out, just make sure you have food, and water. If you can't hide then climb walkers are slower to climb than they are to run. 

Rule 6. "Know How to Ration": A candy binge might seem like a good idea now, but in the long run, you'll need that sugar for more than just a quick energy boost. Ration your can's, hunt if possible, rely on mother nature to provide because eventually there won't be canned goods anymore. 

Rule 7. "Never Travel Alone": Safety in numbers, folks. Y'all remember the buddy system from elementary, yeah! So fun! Notice the sarcasm. Listen just don't be dumb, and go alone. When scavenging, always go with a partner.

Rule 8. "Know Your Walker Lore":  Some are slow, some are fast, some are strong, and some are... well, let's just say they're not all created equal. Understand their strengths and weaknesses to stay one step ahead. The last thing you need is to become a snack to a lurker, or to think you're safe in a room, only to become someone's dinner because you didn't lock the damn door. 

Rule 9. "Communication is Everything": Develop a set of hand signals or a secret language to communicate without alerting the un-dead. You'll thank me when you're sneaking past a horde of zombies, and all you want to do is whisper, or know a few things in sign language. 

Rule 10. "Always Have a Backup Plan": Have a Plan B and C, D, and E. The zombie apocalypse is not the time for improvisation. Have escape routes, backup supplies, and a strategy for every scenario. If you can't do that, well then, good luck!

These 10 basic rules will help you survive. So, do you have what it takes to survive?

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