Discovering Roots (0x07)

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Lilly's POV

"Someone needs to watch the baby," I mocked as I walked to the greenroom. "Yeah well you can shove your excuse up your ass," I mumbled. When I got to the green room I sat on a bench gently playing with the baby. "You know my mom would adore you. She loves babies especially ones as adorable as you," I said softly. I gently rub her belly causing her to giggle. 

Her little hand wraps around my pointed finger causing me to smile. "You're not too bad little one," I told her. My thumb gently strokes her cheek causing her eyes to fall heavy, and her grip on my finger to loosen. Until eventually she lets go, and falls into a light sleep. 

Reaching into the bottom of the stroller I pull out a spell book, and set it on the bench. I cross my legs, and open the book. "Maybe this can tell me what I am," I muttered. As if by magic the pages begin to move until they land on one page. THE ELEMENTAL WITCH.

Elemental Witches: Masters of the Elements

Elemental witches are a special kind of witch who possesses an innate connection to the primal forces of nature. They are able to harness and manipulate the four fundamental elements: earth, air, fire, and water. This connection gives them unique abilities and powers, setting them apart from other witches and magic users.

Powers of the Elemental Witch:

An elemental witch's powers are diverse and awe-inspiring. They can summon and control the elements in various ways, using them for defense, offense, and even for everyday tasks. Some of their most common abilities include:

1. Earth Magic: Elemental witches can manipulate the earth, allowing them to control the movement of rocks and soil, create earthen barriers, and even summon earth elements to do their bidding.

2. Air Magic: With air magic, elemental witches can control the wind and manipulate the air around them. They can use this power to create gusts of wind, summon air elements, and even manipulate the weather.

3. Fire Magic: Elemental witches who specialize in fire magic are able to create and control fire. They can use it to attack their enemies, light their way in the dark, or even for cooking and warmth.

4. Water Magic: Witches who master water magic can control and manipulate water in all its forms, including liquid, ice, and vapor. They can use this power to create water barriers, summon water elements, and even manipulate the tides.

Characteristics of an Elemental Witch

There are several characteristics that might indicate that someone is an elemental witch:

1. A strong connection to nature: Elemental witches feel an innate affinity for the natural world and find solace in spending time outdoors. They often have a deep understanding of plants, animals, and the environment.

2. Unusual abilities: Elemental witches may possess abilities that others find unsettling or inexplicable, such as controlling the weather when loss of control or manipulating the earth with their minds.

3. Elemental symbols: Elemental witches often have symbolism associated with their chosen element, such as a pentagram for earth, a swirling pattern for air, a flame for fire, or a wavy line for water. They might also wear jewelry or have tattoos featuring these symbols. In some cases they will be born with a mark symbolizing their future power. 

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