Stuck (0x06)

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Lilly's POV

After James had arrived we both fell asleep but were awaken by the baby. James was out cold so I went to the baby. "Hi there," I cooed. I gently pick her up but then smelled it. I scrunch my nose in disgust. "Looks like someone needs a diaper chance," I muttered. I go over to the pile of supplies, and open the box of diapers before changing her on the ground. I threw the used wipes, and diaper away. 

I give Alexis a binky, and she calmed down right to sleep. I lay her back down, and look around to the messy living room. I move the shelves I had built earlier over to the corner of the room. There was so much to be done so I assembled the changing table, and set it close to the crib before putting the shelves a few feet away. 

Put the many boxes of diapers in each cubicle on the cabinet. the first 8 cubicles were of diapers. The next 4 were of bottles, and formula. There was a lot of formula which is good because it ensure that we don't have to get supplies any time soon. One cubicle was just wipes, while another was baby powder. I put the open box of diapers in the baby drawer on the changing table. 

I threw in the binkies, some rash cream, baby oil, and other essentials. It took some time but I eventually had most things packed in case we had to leave in a hurry. I was hungry so I left to make myself some breakfast. I made pancakes.

There are many stores that I know of that have backup generators but I know that they'll be hard to get to because all the walkers. However it's worth the risk because it means all the food will still be good. Since Atlanta fell fast it means supplies are still intact if we can get to them then we're set for quite some time. 

"You realize I can read your mind but you're not wrong. Now you better be sharing those pancakes or we're gonna have issues," James told me. I playfully roll my eyes. "Of course you can have some. Since you asked ever so nicely," I said sarcastically. 

I open a can of peaches for us to share with the pancakes. "Are there others like us," I questioned. "Yep, and many of them are my friends. I just don't know if any of them are still alive," James replied. "So what even are my powers," I questioned. "I have no idea. Everyone has different powers. Your grandmother gave you a chest full of things. They're for spells so I'm assuming you can spell cast eventually," James told me. 

I shrug. "So can I go with you on the supply run," I questioned. "Not until we start training," James replied. I groan. "Plus someone has to watch the baby," James told me. I roll my eyes. I finish my breakfast, and head over to the baby who was awake, and babbling adorably. 

I gently pick her up. "Come on sweet girl. Let's go on a walk to the green room," I said softly. I put her in the stroller, and grab the baby bag before leaving. 

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