The Hideout (0x04)

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Lilly's POV

I woke up with a gasp, and a pounding headache. "Ugh remind me not to die. Dying sucked," I groaned. James helped me sit up. "Yeah I don't recommend it. I've been there, and done that. It's not fun whatsoever," James said softly. He leaned me against the wall, and handed me a water bottle. 

"No fever, and your cut has scarred over. Other than a pounding headache that feels like a hangover you should be just fine," James assured. "Are you even human," I questioned. "Yes. When I died at 13 I was assigned as your protector but seeing as it was still a ways from your birth I just had to let things take its course," James told me. 

I sip the water that he gave me. "So what's the game plan," I questioned. "Don't die," He replied. I giggled. "Mission failed," I said jokingly. "Obviously," James teased. He playfully tapped my nose. He helps me up off the ground, and we pack everything up. I glance down at the walker filled streets. 

"God it's like New Years Eve down there," I said softly. "Yeah well I'd hate to be in New York right now," James told me. I put my backpack on, and grabbed my duffel bag slinging it on my shoulder. James held his hand out for me to grab, and I did so. "Think about your hideout. It has to be specific. Think about getting there and where it is," he instructed. 

I do as asked and closed my eyes and visualized everything. I ride my bike to the hideout and unlock the hidden door. I imagine walking through the dark tunnels with my flashlight before turning into the right tunnel, and walking for some more time. Until I finally got to the area.

"Got it," James mumbled. I felt a weird surge of electricity course through my veins and winced at the feeling. "Open your eyes," James said softly. I opened them and low and below we were in my hideout. "If you could teleport this whole time then why the hell go to Atlanta on foot," I questioned. "That's not how my powers work," he replied.

He lets go of my hand and searches for any sign of walkers or an entrance where they can be ambushed. "Well then how do they work," I questioned innocently. "I can only teleport 3, maybe 4 times without being drained. I can siphon energy to get stronger but I can't just go as I please. I can teleport anywhere I want but it's best to be specific or else you can end up stranded," James explained. I tilt my head in confusion

He gently smiled and kissed my cheek. "You're adorable but I have work to do," James told me. "There's only one way in and out. Every other way is blocked off, and you have to use a key to get in," I replied.

"I prefer to find that out myself," James told me. I shrugged and he leaves me alone while he searches for any possible weak point or danger. Meanwhile I tried  Turing on the light but it didn't turn on. I went to the generators and turned them on which powered up the place.

One by one the sectors of the hideout light up. My hideout was always pretty simple because I didn't have time to put all the furniture out considering it's in the storage room. "All clear. You stay here, and I'll be back with supplies," James told me.  "What no you can't leave me," I said upset. "Baby I'll be back it's fine," He assured. "No!" I protests. "I am trying to protect you!" He raised his voice causing me to flinch.  

He took a deep breath to calm himself. "I'm trying to protect you kiddo. I can't protect you if you're out there," James said in a softer tone. "We're supposed to protect each other," I whispered. 

James walks over to me, and gently brings me into his arms. "I know but you need to learn to control your powers. We will talk when I get back. I packed the radios so go grab yours and keep it close," James told her. I pull away from the hug, and hand him the key. 

"You die out there I will find a way to bring you back, and then I'll kill you myself," I threatened. He chuckled. "I'll be fine princess," James assured. He kisses my forehead, and teleports out. 

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