Well that was unexpected (0x03)

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Lilly's POV

I woke up feeling achy, and feverish. I unbandage the wound, and mentally curse. It was infected. Walker blood must have gotten in it. Which most likely meant I didn't have much time left. 

James returned from god knows where. I didn't even realize he was gone until now. "James something is wrong," I spoke weakly. He quickly goes over to me, and checks the wound. He cursed under his breath. "It's okay. It's going to be okay. It's just a little infected but you weren't bitten or scratched so you'll be fine. You probably just have a fever because of the infections. I have to make a quick errand run to get your medication to knock that fever down," James assured. 

"Be careful," I muttered. He kisses my forehead. "I will. Lay down, and drink plenty of water but don't go to sleep," James told me. He heads down the fire escape, and I tried my best to stay awake but only a few minutes of him being gone I felt my eyes grew heavy.

My body convulsed, and my breathing grew shallow until everything turned dark.  But rather than feeling nothing it felt like lava was searing in my veins. Once I fell into the darkness of sleep I was thrown elsewhere. It was like I was actually falling, and suddenly the feeling stop. I was rudely welcomed by harshly crashing against the floor. I let out a groan of pain. 

"Cause this isn't weird at all," I muttered. I pushed myself up, and walked to the best of my ability given the pitch black surrounding that made it difficult. "Hello," I called out, hoping for a response from anyone. I don't know how long I was walking only that it felt like an eternity. Then the once dark place is flooded with light. 

As the light fills the room, I squint against the brightness holding a hand in front of my face to block out the brightness till my eyes can adjust. Once I adjust I remove my hand, and look around the room. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. More so it seemed like something from the movies.  There was this large fancy hall with a high ceiling, decorated with abstract paintings. 

On each side of the hallway there were doors. It was strange but it also made me curious so I went over to the first one I saw, and opened it. Once I did it felt like someone shoved me out the door, and I came crashing to the ground. I push myself off the ground, and look around. I was in a hospital room. Then I saw dad on the bed. 

"Dad! Daddy! Wake up," I yelled. I tried to touch him but my hand phased through him. "Oh my god I'm dead," I muttered. "Actually it's quite the opposite," James spoke up. I'd have never turned faster in my life. I'm pretty sure that I got whiplash doing so. 

"James? What are you doing here? Wait don't answer that! What even is here?" I asked him. He held out his hand, and I take it. He opens the door taking us back to the hallway. "It's complicated but your in what I like to call the spectating room. It's where every supernatural stays in until they become fully activated," James told me. 

"Supernatural. Like Dean Winchester," I questioned. He chuckled. "You watch too much TV," He joked. "Actually there's only a few similarities but not quite. When you died you activated your other side. While in the world your body is recovering, and adjusting to the power that's flowing through your veins. Which is why you're here," James explained. 

"Then why are you here. Did you die?" I asked. "No I didn't die. I'm sent to protect you, and help train your powers. Sort of like a guardian angel. Meeting your father happened to be by accident, and becoming friends with him was my choice. When they adopted you-" James spoke. "Hold up. Adopted me---I'M ADOPTED!" I yelled out. 

"Hey hey relax. Okay I probably shouldn't have said that. You're telling me this entire time you never knew," James told me. "No. I mean not that it would have mattered to me If I was adopted. I mean they're still my parents. I love them, and nothings ever gonna change that," I said softly. "Exactly so no harm no foul. Like I was saying when they adopted you it made my mission easier because being friends with Rick I was pretty much your honorary uncle," James explained. 

"Okay so why do I have powers," I questioned. "That's something you have to figure out on your own. You know your supernatural but it's something you have to do on your own," James told me. I nod. "So wanna explore," He questioned. I tug his arm, and open another door. This time I was prepared to land. We were out on the road with hundreds of cars. 

"There they are," I said softly. I saw Carl, Mom, and Shane by the car with a bunch of things packed. "This must be after your mom called you," James told me. "I guess. But why would they leave dad," I asked. I opened the door which returned me from the hallway. 

"Give me a door that will explain what happened," I said softly. Door 13 glows golden. "Lucky number 13," James said jokingly. "I guess so come on," I said softly. We go to door 13, and it's James that opened it. 

We appear in the hospital hallway. I heard gunshots, and both of us rushed off to investigate. I saw uncle Shane but ignored it. The military was mowing down people with semi's.  "Why are they killing people," I questioned. "Control.  Kill the weak leave the strong," James replied. Shane runs off, and we follow him back to Dad's room. 

Dad wasn't waking up, and the power went out. Shane quickly hid as the military opened the door. Once they left he tried to get dad out but he didn't have time. He thought dad was already gone so he left. Just not before securing the door to prevent walkers from getting in.

James pulls us back to the hallway. "Show me the door of my mom, and Carl at our home," I spoke softly. Door 9 glowed golden like before. We opened that door which took me back to our family home. Shane quickly parks the car before rushing off into the house.

We watched as he told Lori the news. Mom was devastated but she pulled it together, and had Carl pack some of his things before packing her things. She explains how dad's dead, and comforts Carl while Shane was getting useful supplies. Then as Shane was putting the supplies in the car the town went into chaos. 

Things went to hell fast. Shane sprinted into the house. "Lori! Carl! We have to go now. Right now!" Shane yelled. Lori quickly picks up Carl and follows quickly behind Shane getting Carl in the back seat. Lori watched as one of her neighbors was attacked at a party, and eaten alive. Lori got in the car. Shane sprints to the drivers seat, and quickly drives off leaving the town that was once home but now a nightmare. 

Me and James went back into the hallway. "I guess when society falls it falls hard, and fast," I said softly. "Couldn't be anymore a true kid," James told me. I felt the pain return to me.  I collapsed to my knees, and James caught me. Before James could even explain anything I passed out again. Once again being welcomed by darkness. 

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