A mother wish (0x05)

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 Lilly's POV

Once James teleports out I was left alone. Might as well do some cleaning because there's a lot to do. Starting with cleaning out that nasty fridge. I grab a pair of cleaning gloves, and a mask. I start with throwing away everything in there before scrubbing it with bleach. I let it air out as I get rid of the bag. Tossing it down the trash chute. 

I then go onto sweeping, and mopping the epoxy floors. After that I dusted the panels, and cleaned my room. There was a lot to do in my room. Starting with changing the dusty sheets, and bedding. Then cleaning the bookshelf. Before moving onto  the bathroom which only really needed to be swept, and dusted. 

I ended up taking a nap, and when I woke up James still wasn't here. So I went to the greenhouse which was on the other side of the tunnels. I threw all the bad produce away, and collected the good produce. I only really had some vegetables like lettuce, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and celery. Then I grew some fruits like strawberries. All my other fruits were apples, peaches, and cherries. Which were grown outside of the hideout. 

I went back to the kitchen, and rinse off the produce before storing it in the fridge. I really wish James was here. I was bored out of my mind. So deciding to torture myself I decided to assemble my Ikea furniture. Which was only the shelves, and a cabinet. I just ended up taking out all my furniture that I had stored away. Setting up a proper living area with couches, and coffee table. I then set up the kitchen which finished everything up. 

I went to my room because I was getting too bored so I went through my old storage chest. My grandmother had given me a bunch of weird shit. There was books, herbs, candles, and some jewelry. I close the chest leaving everything be. I check my watch, and its been 6 hours since he left. Maybe he got hurt or worse. I sighed, and grabbed the radio. 

3rd POV

Meanwhile, in the city James rummaged through an abandoned Wal-Mart when his radio crackled to life, and Lilly's voice come through.

"James," Lilly spoke softly, her voice crackling through the radio.

"Yeah," James spoke up. "Are you okay?" Lilly asked. "Of course princess. I know how to protect myself you don't need to worry about me," James assured.

"But i do. (There's a pause before she speaks up again). Promise to come back to me," Lilly whispers

James sighs and pushes his cart of supplies. He stops at the jewelry department. He finally decides to speak up.

"I promise kiddo. Now its your turn to promise me something," James replied. He used his powers to unlock the sliding glass and he takes a few rings and a necklace.

"Anything," Lilly told him. "Promise me that no matter what we'll stick together," James asked her.

"I promise.... I can't do this James. I can't pretend that I'm not worried. I'll always worry especially with everything going on," Lilly admits.

"Just be careful," Lilly whispers unsure of herself. "Always am my little lillipad," James replied.

The radio goes silent. He couldn't help but smile at Lilly's behavior. She worries too much for her own good. 

While scavenging he heard a babies cry in the backroom. He pulls out his gun, and follows the cries. He heard some growling, and saw a walker tied up with it's jaw chomping as if trying to reach the baby. It was a woman, and it looked to be a fresh walker. A mother trying to protect her baby. He walks over to the baby, and picks up the little girl. 

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