The Night 🌃

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It's new semester in mpt private high school for senior student Haseena Malik or for short, Haseena, it's another torture. Her goal was was to live high school as soon as possible and went to wherever university she wanted. She is a loner and she loved it that way. She doesn't like to make friends because the students there were intense, they loved to compete for grades & most of them come from rich families. She hated them, and she hated Karishma Singh the most. The senior star student with perfect grades, popularity, and not to mention beautiful face. Her long brown hair, her big sparkly eyes, and that smile. The bright smile that could melt everyone's heart the boys and even the girls.

It's Friday and Haseena was eating her lunch school cafeteria when she about to take another bite of her food, she sew the brown haired girl walking towards her. She caught staring with disgusted look on her face by the Star student, then Haseena looked away embarassed and dropped her spoon on the table. Karishma walked past Haseena's table with her friends Mira and misri, talking about some art staff. Haseena looked down and grabbed the spoon, then she noticed there's a piece of paper laying next to it. She unfolded it, and inside there's hand written note "come to the art room After school - ks." Confused she looked around, trying to find the person who gave the note. Then it hit her, there's only one person who had that arconym. The girl she hated the most, Karishma Singh.

The image of Karishma staring directly into her eyes made her sick, Her lunch slowly coming up and her heart beating so fast. Haseena left her unfinished lunch in a hurry and went to the bathroom starting at her reflection in the mirror, she started talking to herself.

Hm - "okay Haseena Malik, relax, clam down, clam down."

She took a deep breath and exhaled a couple of time, and trying to clam herself.

Hm - "what does she want from me? What did I do?" I never talked to her before.

She is trying to figure out what the brown haired girl wanted from her.

When the period class was over, Haseena grabbed her thighs and walked to the art room fast. She finally arrived in front of the door, she took a deep breath and opened it.

Hs - "H... Hello? Miss Karishma Singh?"

She took a step inside and looked around.

Hs - "huh? It's empty."

The art room was quite small, there were huge windows on the side and lot of paintings, potteries and sculptures all over the room. One of the paintings got her attention, it's a black and white, the sun covered by the moon, An eclipse. She touched the surface of the painting and then she heard the door was locked.
Startled Haseena turned around and saw Karishma standing there with her arms crossed and said......

Ks - "Hello miss Haseena Malik, do you now who i am?"

Hm - yes Karishma Singh the Star student.

Laughing, and then Karishma replied...

Ks - Good let's get to the point then, Miss Haseena Malik.

Haseena doesn't say anything and just nodded.

Ks - do you hate me Miss Haseena Malik?

Hm- why? (She tilted her head, trying her best to keep her poker face)

Ks - you're a terrible liar well i cought you staring at me, not just once are twice, but a lot. And with that look on face! Ugh...

Hm - like what?

Ks - like i just killed your favourite dog are something.

Hm - how do you now i have a dog?

Ks - i didn't! I'm just saying it. Then explain yourself, Miss Haseena Malik.

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