standing for her👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

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Haseena got into the car with her pet lucky. She finally finished moving all of her stuff to her aunt's place and the only one left was her dog. Her aunt picked her up after school and they drove back to her old house to get him. Her father was there pissed like always, but he's scared of his wife's younger sister. Haseena's aunt brought him the legal papers, he needed to sign them to make him sister in law as the legal caregiver of his 18 years old daughter and he should disappear from their lives for good. He's not happy with this family after all, so everybody won.

Aunt - What do you want to eat for dinner Hasu? (She asked while driving them home)

Hm - Hm.. Shahi paneer? (She said as she's petting her dog on her lap)

Aunt - Ya! you should choose something else. We should eat something fancy to celebrate.

Hm - Hm... Pizza? Or fried chicken? (She said inocently)

Sighing, her aunt replied"okay then"

It was Thursday after school Haseena rushed to the front gate, she was told to wait by Karishma. She was waiting patiently and 5 minutes later she felt someone hugging her right hand and it's Karishma.

Ks - Let's go, Hasu. (She smiled and sounded cheerful and happy)

Haseena couldn't help but falling in love with her all over again and promise herself that she would kept that smile on Karishma's face. They walked to the Bus stop near the school and got on the bus. They sitting next to each other and Haseena noticed her crush was awful quite.

Hm - Karishma, you okay?

Km - Yes... Just a nervous, we're getting closer to my house and it's scared me. My parents are scary, especially my father.(Karishma holding her dress really tight)

Seeing that Haseena placed her right hand on top of Karishma's left hand and squeezed it.

Hm - It's okay, everything gonna be okay. (She smiled)

They soon arrived at the bus station close to the Singh's house and they walking holding hands. When they reached the front of house door Karishma turned around....

Ks - Maybe this is a bad idea, Hasu i can't do this. (She wanted to leave)

Hm - Karu, i am here. Let's do it together okay? You helped me last time now it's my turn to return the favour. Take a deep breath, stay calm, we got this.(Haseena holding Karishma's shoulders)

Ks - Let's go.

Karishma opened the door and they went to the living room, Mrs Singh was there she was reading a book and drinking tea.

"Mom" (Karishma called her)

Mrs Singh - Oh Karishma, you are home. Who is this? (She glanced at the girls from behind the book)

Ks - This is Haseena Malik, she's my friend. Is... Is father home? I want to talk... To both of you.(Karishma stuttered)

Mrs Singh - He's in his office room, what are you going to talk about?(Her mother closed the book and stood up)

Ks - Um... I want to... Uh... I want to talk about my study and my plan. Mom and I... I want Haseena to be my tutor.

Mrs Singh - Um... I see. Let's go meet your father.

Mrs Singh and the girls walked to Mr Singh's office room. Karishma's father was a wealthy business man he worked as an executive director in a food company and he didn't tolerate any failure from his employees and family. He wanted a son, but the Singh's family was blessed with two beautiful daughters. This made him more strict and despise them. Mrs Singh knocked on the door and went inside followed by the two teenagers. Mr Singh was sitting behind the desk as he was busy with his work.

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