Healing Wound

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[TW - Trigger warning: Domestic violence and attempted murder]

Let's start......

It's 10 pm that night and Karishma was laying on her bed, she couldn't sleep thinking about Haseena. Suddenly her phone vibrated next to her. It's call from Haseena! She grabbed the phone quickly and answered....

Ks - Haseena! Where have you been? What happened? I am worried, are you ok? Where are you?

There's only silence, then she heard Haseena whispered....

Hm - Text me your home address Karu, I'll explain later bye.(Then she hung up)

Ks - Hasu! Hasu! Hello?(She tried to call her back but Haseena didn't pick up)

"What is this?so rude."(Karishma pissed that Haseena didn't even ask how she was doing)

She texted her address and she laid down again and close her eyes. Her mind went to lot of things related to Haseena. Why did she disappear for a week? What happened? Why she whispered when she called? Why she asked her address? Karishma frustrated as she tried to sleep. 20 minutes later, she heard soft knock on her window. She got up to find out where's sound come from she opened the curtain and saw Haseena standing outside.

Ks - Haseena! what are you doing here?
(She whispered but loud enough for Haseena to hear)

Hm - Let me in Karishma! It's cold outside.(Haseena was shivering and as she hugged herself, she wore a white t-shirt with a black hoodie and a pair of jeans)

Karishma opened the window and let Haseena climbed inside.

Ks - Are you insane Haseena? Why are you here?(Karishma was worried sick as she held Haseena's cold hands)

Ks OMG! You're freezing! Sit down on the bed I'll be right back.(She left the room and went downstairs)

Haseena rubbed her hands together to make them warm as her eyes looked around. So this was how Karishma's room looked like.

The bedroom walls were painted soft blue. There's a shelf full of books on one side with trophies and family photos. There's a picture of Karishma and her older sister. Wow she's pretty thank you Mrs. Singh for giving birth to beautiful women, she thought. Next to it there were dressing table and Karishma's desk, on it, there were couple of books.
She gazed around the room and her eyes fell on teddy bear, she took and hugged it. She never have a doll before and it felt nice to hold one. She heard footsteps outside the bedroom and she put teddy bear back to the bad.

Karishma come back with a mug of hot choco and sat down next to Haseena.

Ks - Here, drink this.

Haseena held the mug with both hands and sipping....

Hm - Thank you.

The girls were sitting next to each other and Karishma waited for Haseena to tell her what happened. 5 minutes later Haseena bagen to speak...

Hm - It was my dad, he grounded me and locked me in my room. He punished me for not going home that night. When I fought back, he hit with his belt he took my badroom key and my phone. I managed to unlock my badroom door with student id card and went to his room to get my phone, i run away and called you.

Still shocked with the story she just heard Karishma felt responsible for what happened as she fiddling the ham of her pajama shirt.

Ks - I- i am sorry. It's all because of me, i asked you to come to the art room and lost the key.

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