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The couple set awkwardly at the dining table and the only adult in the apartment preparing some breakfast for them.

Ru - There's something different.(She squinting her eyes towards her niece and her girlfriend)

Hm - Wh... What's different aunty?

Ru - Hmmm, don't know. Something... But I can't tell. Maybe I have a hangover, my head is killing me.

Haseena and Karishma exchanged looks and signed relief. Rubina didn't notice the girls switched shirts. Karishma wore Haseena's pajama and Haseena wore the purple t-shirt from last night. They were eating their breakfast and Rubina continue....

Ru - Hasu, do you still remember what day is today?

Hm - Of course aunty how can I forgot.(She answered with a sad eyes and stoped eating her food)

Ks - Sorry to ask, what day is today?(Karishma curious about what made her girlfriend feeling down)

Hm - My mother's death anniversary.

Ks - I'm sorry.

Hm - It's okay you didn't know. Karu, do you want to meet my mother?


After the girls took shower, Karishma borrowed Haseena's clothes and Rubina drove them to the Graveyard. They were walking in silence, Haseena holding the flower bouquet they bought earlier. Karishma felt awkward but she wanted to be supportive to her girlfriend. She held Haseena's arm to comfort her. The aunt was the first to talk, she stood in front of the grave 🪦 and said...

Ru - Sister, hello. It's been awhile. I am sorry, I didn't visit you often, I was too busy. Sister i did something that you would be proud of. I saved Haseena from him, she's living with me now, sister. She became a great woman and has a smart brain like yours, and she looks just like you. Sister... I miss you.
(She touching the grave and started crying)

The girls stood behind Rubina and Haseena so hard not to cry. Her face was red and blinking her teary eyes. Karishma reached her bag and handed a tissue. Seeing her girlfriend sad broke her heart, Haseena was her protector, and now Karishma's turn to be there for Haseena. She also glad that Haseena opened up to her and brought her there. She felt closer to Haseena's family. After Rubina finished, it's Haseena's turn to talk to her mother.

Hm - Mother... I'm here. (She's sobbing)

Hm - I'll be graduate soon, mother. I studied hard and I wanted to make you proud. Even though I can't see you, but I know you are always watching over me. I always felt guilty for being alive and you were gone because of me. Thank you for giving birth to me mother. I...
I will live my life well and study hard in college, have a descent job and... Marry the love of my life.(She turned her head and stared at Karishma with a sad smile)

Hearing the last sentence, Karishma's heart pounded. She just spent intimate night with Haseena and her girlfriend just said she wanted to marry her in the future. She's smiling back at her girlfriend.

Hm - mother, I want you to meet someone.(She took Karishma's hand and they were standing side by side) Mother this is Karishma my girlfriend. Karu this is my mother, Noor Jahan Malik.

Ks - Hello, Mrs Malik. I promise I will always be there for Haseena. I may not be perfect or anything, but I will try my best to make her happy. Thank you for bringing an amazing girl to this world. I don't know what would happened to me now if I don't meet and spend that night with your daughter. She made my life better.(She said with her smile that warmed Haseena's heart)

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