knowing truth

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It's already 10 pm and the lights in her house were already off. Karishma didn't want to wake up her parents, so she tiptoed up the stairs. She opened her bedroom door and saw someone was sleeping on her bed. It's her mother, she was sleeping while holding a framed picture of her daughters. Karishma slowly sat next to her mother and shook her body slowly.

Ks - Mom, Mom. Why are you sleeping here? (She whispered)

Startled, Mrs Singh suddenly opened her eyes and sat up on the bed...

Mrs Singh - Oh, Karishma you're here.

She said as she fixing her heir, her eyes were swollen. It looked like she was crying and fall asleep.

Ks - Yes, what's wrong mom?

Mrs Singh hugged her youngest daughter and said that she's sorry. She knew Karishma always put a smile on her face for her parents, even though she's suffering inside. The mother realized that all this time she was wrong to defend and supported her husband. She knew her daughters had their own paths in life, and at some point she and her husband had to let them choose on their own. Then Mrs Singh continued to tell Karishma what really happened to Sneha, her oldest daughter. Sneha was 3 years older than Karishma she was tall, beautiful, and had similar features as Karishma. She was also smart, the real star student. She was perfect and had great personalities too. Everyone adored her more than Karishma, but despite that, she loved her little sister so much.

One day, during her senior year in high school, she come home with her boyfriend Rohan Sharma. He asked permission to Mr and Mrs Singh he wanted to marry Sneha. The young couple said sneha was 3 weeks pregnant and they wanted to keep the baby. Thankfully the boy was sweet, kind and loyal, but sadly Mr Singh was not. During that time the Singh family looked happy from outside, but the reality was they were devastated. Sneha was stubborn, like her father, even though the parents told her to get on abortion, she refused. She already in love with her unborn child and wanted to do everything to keep it safe with the love of her life. The innocent 16 years old sneha was clueless about everything  because the rest of her family members were great at keeping secrets. One night when the youngest daughter about to sleep, her sister come over to her bedroom and they chatted on the bed.

Sneha - Karu, do you love me?

Ks - Why do you ask that? Of course i love you.

Sneha - Okey, promise me this. Promise that you will be your own person and chase your dream, whatever it will be.
(She held Karishma's hand on her palm)

Ks - Sure, di?(There's an ache on Karishma's chest she felt that, her sister was about to leave her)

Sneha - what? (She said with a sad smile)

Ks - What's wrong? Why do I feel like you're saying goodbye?(She is clueless)

Sneha - It's nothing, don't worry. Just live your life to the fullest okay? Don't have any regards. Do things that you want love whoever you want. And most importantly, be brave, i won't be there to protect you anymore.
(Sneha brushed her sister's heir and kissed her forehead)

Ks - Di... don't say things like that. Where are you going?(Karishma cried, tears falling down on both cheeks and she didn't even bother to wipe them off)

Sneha - I will live my own life. I've made a decision and i will do it tonight. Don't cry Karu, i will keep in touch with you. I love you my little sun.

Sneha got up and left the room abandoned her crying sister on the bed.

Karishma knew it would be the last time she talked to her sister, but she didn't know were her sister was going. Her body went numb and she just stay still on the bed crying all night. The next morning, her parents were panicked because sneha left a goodbye note, saying she's eloping with Rohan and will stay in his cousin's place in Delhi. She told them to not to go after her and they couldn't change mind anymore. She would raised the baby and built a small, happy family. When Karishma wake up her parents made up a story and told her that her sister went to London earlier in the morning with their uncle. She went to finish her senior year and would continued to college there. She left in a rush because it was a last minute decision related to the school's scholership in London.

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