Prologue 30

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Few days later, Issei currently standing in front of the Phoenix Castle as to ask the youngest child of Lord and Lady Phoenix joining his peerage. He had already implanted the Boosted Gear into Minami after successfully extracting it from his body. Rias and Sona currently enjoy their lives before the summer break. He had Grayfia and Lucy to be on standby once he returns to the human world.

Issei: "As expected from the Phoenix Clan."

He said before knocking on the door. Few seconds later, the maid opened the door and looks at the man before her.

Maid: "Um who are you?"

She asked in curiosity.

Issei: "Ise Leviathan, new Maou Leviathan. I came to have a talk with Lord and Lady Phoenix."

Upon hearing that, the maid bows respectfully.

Maid: "M-My sincerely apologise, Lord Ise. I'll notify Lord Phoenix immediately. This way."

She stepped aside to let him get inside, guiding him to Lord Phoenix's office. Issei walks behind her. Issei broke the silence by asking the maid a question.

Issei: "What's your name miss?"

Maid: "My name is Ryuu Satsuki, Lord Ise."

She answered.

Issei: "Satsuki eh? Nice name."

He said with a smile. The maid blushing that he compliments her name as no one ever said that before.

Satsuki: "T-Thank you so much."

She said before stop walking as they arrive to Lord Phoenix's office. She knocks on the door and heard a feminine voice from the inside.

Layla: "Come in."

With that, Satsuki opens the door and walks inside before closing it back.

Satsuki: "Lady Layla, Lord Leviathan want to see you and Lord Phoenix. He's currently waiting outside."

She informed the wife of the Head of Phoenix Clan. The latter rose an eyebrow in confusion as if she recalled that Maou Leviathan was Serafall, unaware that she has step down.

Layla: "Very well."

She replied. Satsuki nodded and went back outside to inform him.

Satsuki: "Lord Ise, Lady Layla is waiting for you inside."

Issei nods in appreciation.

Issei: "Thank you for your hard work."

He walks into the office then he greets them in respectfully manner.

Issei: "Thank you for spare time during your busy day. I apologize for coming here unannounced, Lord and Lady Phoenix."

Lord Phoenix: "It's fine, Lord Leviathan. So what's the occasion if I may ask?"

He asked Issei.

Issei: "I want to recruit your daughter, Ravel Phoenix into my peerage. Her latent talents are wasted if she still be with Riser Phoenix. I believe she will be a great manager for my company. I heard a lot of positive things about her. Furthermore, this is the chance for her to communicate with others her age in human world. She can learn a thing or two from Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri. Ravel Phoenix has the potential to become stronger plus she will make the Phoenix Clan proud. I have full faith in her hence that's why I want to recruit her. That being said, I want her to decide it on her own. I don't want to force her to join me against her will. Every necessity she needed, I will provide it."

He explained the reason why he came here. Both Layla and her husband agreed with his statement regarding their daughter's talent are wasted if she stuck with Riser, therefore this is the golden opportunity for Ravel to shine and use her talents for the future of the Phoenix Clan.

Layla: "That's very interesting proposal, Lord Leviathan. I'm very pleased to know that you thought highly of our daughter. As you said earlier, her talents are wasted if she continues to serve her brother therefore I will traded her with you as she's a free piece now."

She said with a smile. Her husband then chimed in.

Lord Phoenix: "I agree with my wife, my lord. I thank you for choosing her to be part of your peerage."

Issei smiles warmly at them.

Issei: "Just call me Ise. I want you two to know that I harbors feelings for Ravel for quite some time now and I plan to marry her in the future. As her parents, telling you was the first thing I need to do in order to get your blessing. Grayfia and the others are fine with it when I told them. I want to know more about her so I can understand her better. It is important thing in a relationship."

He said with a blush on his face. Layla sense no deceit or fake in his words and smiles.

Layla: "You are very honest person, Ise-san. I'm glad you telling us beforehand in order to get our blessing. I can tell you were truly love my daughter since you came here alone. I wouldn't believe it if you came with other woman. Dragon truly are honest beings."

She responded.

Lord Phoenix: "I agree with my wife. It proved that you aren't seeing our daughter as a piece of meat. I'm happy to know that."

He added.

Issei: "Thank you for your kind words, Lord and Lady Phoenix. Plea--"

His sentence was cut off by none other than Ravel herself when she walks out from her hiding spot.

His sentence was cut off by none other than Ravel herself when she walks out from her hiding spot

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Ravel: "It'll be an honor to be part of your peerage, Ise-sama. I can't thank you enough for your honesty. All male I know and met so far only sees me as a piece of meat and wanted to fuck me senseless but you are different. Despite being a sadist, you care about women and thought of them first ahead of yourself. That's what I love about you. When I heard your confession, I was so happy."

She looks up at him with a smile. He gently caresses her blonde hair.

Issei: "The feelings between us are mutuals, still I want to learn everything about you before we took our relationship to next level

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Issei: "The feelings between us are mutuals, still I want to learn everything about you before we took our relationship to next level. Your happiness is my priority. It is important that for lovers."

He said with a smile then turns to Lord and Lady Phoenix.

Issei: "I promise to you both as Maou Leviathan that I will take good care of Ravel and love her just as much as she loves me."

He bows respectfully before them. Ravel was touched that the love of her life cared so much about her. They nodded happily when hearing the oath from him. An hour later, he teleported both him and Ravel into the human world.

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