Prologue 32

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In a week, Minami has acquired Holy Sword, Ascalon from the Seraph Gabriel at the Himejima Shrine. Issei has established a pure relationship with Valiana Lucifer, Kuroka, Akeno Himejima, Shirone, Tomoe Meguri, Sakura Haruno, Jeanne, Elise Katharina, Kokoa Shuzen, Wendy Marvell, Akame, Ingvild Leviathan and even Asuna Yuuki who once sworn that she would never be in a relationship after losing Kazuto Kirigaya because of Diodora.

Kiba even got a confession from Xenovia Quarta and Tsubaki Shinra and the trio are officially dating. Diodora has been sealed in the deepest part of the Underworld: Cocytus by Ajuka after Asuna beat him up merciless. Issei has acquired another set of peerage members once he restored their broken hymen that caused by Diodora and made them a virgin once again as well restore their emotions.

As for Kuroka, he sent her and the others in Valiana's team to gather the evidence in order to clear her name as well her status as stray devil. To Issei and the others in the Student Council Office. Sirzechs broke the silence.

Sirzechs: "Now that the participation are here, we can start the meeting but before that, let me introduce you to Hyodo Ise who now knows as Ise Leviathan, new Maou Leviathan. Serafall has step down and become his advisor."

He introduced Issei to the other Faction Leaders. Irina shocked by the news as she didn't expect him to be chosen as the next Maou Leviathan. Michael and Gabriel greets him with a smiles. Azazel take a spit as he certainly didn't see this coming and he began to shiver, knowing how sadist he can be. He gulped in horror, Valiana who notice it giggles as she can use this to blackmail him.

Issei: "As Sirzechs said earlier, I'm the new Maou Leviathan and the previous host of Boosted Gear. My pawn and mate, Kisaki Minami are the new host."

He stated. Michael asked.

Michael: "How are you alive? The extraction would definitely kill the wielder."

Gabriel: "It wasn't an easy feat to extract it. Are you sure you doing okay after that?"

She added with worries in her voice.

Issei: "That might be the case if I was a human but fortunately, I'm a Dragon God. Extraction would not kill me. With the extraction device I created, it will cause no harm during the procedure. It takes more than that to kill me."

He responded. Azazel was intrigued with that device.

Azazel: "Very interesting."

He said with a smirk.

Issei: "Alright. It's time to end the skirmish between 3 Factions once and for all. It is time for new era. An era of peace for the sake of our future and the next generation."

He said with seriousness in his voice. Rias gave them her report regarding Kokabiel incident and Sona's testimony of what Rias said is the truth. Sirzechs looks at the heiress and said.

Sirzechs: "Thank you."

Michael: "I thank you for your hard work."

He added with sincerity in his words. Issei looks at Azazel.

Issei: "With both Kokabiel and Diodora Astaroth is now sealed away in the deepest of the Underworld: Cocytus. I would like to hear of your opinion regarding Kokabiel's actions, Azazel."

He added.

Azazel: "There's nothing for me to say. He just not happy that I objected his idea of restarting 3 way war."

He replied nonchalantly.

Michael: "It has nothing to do with you, brother?"

He asked Azazel.

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