Prologue 26

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After having dinner, Issei and Grayfia along with his parents spend time in the living room, watching news. His mother held their son in her arms and his father held his tiny hand. They were absolutely freaking out upon knowing that they has a grandchild now yet they accepted with open arms.

Miki: "I can't believe you are a dad now, Ise. You're too young but since you had money for your son, I don't mind. Plus he's too adorable. Isn't that right, Grayfia?"

Grayfia: "Yes mother. Ise-kun is kind, respectful and responsible young man. I'm glad I met him. It's hard to find someone like Ise-kun nowadays."

She replied with a smile.

Goro: "I agree with you on that one."

He added.

The next day, Issei decided to skip school as he wants to be with Grayfia and take care of their son together. Grayfia was breastfeeding their son, Issei seeing that decided to join as he sucking her other nipple. She let out a moan by the sudden action from her mate.

Grayfia: "I-Ise-kun... ahh!"

Issei: "Mhmm... your body milk is delicious as always. I... can't let Lucias hog all of your milk, I... want some too."

He had his hand on her ass, giving them a massage. Grayfia biting her lower lip as she didn't want anyone to hear her moaning. Lucy walks into the room and found Issei sucking her sister's nipple. Grayfia looks at her, pleading for help. Lucy let out a deep sigh and walks up to them then pulling his ear.

Lucy: "Would you stop that? Ise-kun, you aren't a baby anymore."

She said sternly.

Issei: "L-Let go Lu-chan... it hurts."

He pleaded with a smirk as he groping her breast.

Issei: "Then let me suck yours. Since Fia-chan need to take care of Lucias, why don't you be a mother next?"

He added with a grin. Lucy blushing madly hearing those words. She twist his ear.

Lucy: "As happy I am to bear your child, I can't allow you to impregnate me too. It's way too early for that."

Issei: "You're no fun."

He said with a pout. Lucy sat down on his lap and removed the top, exposing her breast.

Lucy: "You're so helpless.. here. Suck on them as much as you want. You truly a big baby."

She giggles. Grayfia thank her sister for helping her out.

Grayfia: "Thanks Lucy. Ise-kun is acting like a baby."

Lucy: "It's a cute side of him so no worries. It's not everyday we can see him behave like a baby."

She stroke his soft hair as he sucking her nipple. Suddenly blue magic circle appeared in the room and come out Serafall and Sirzechs. Seeing that, Serafall immediately covers his eyes and coughs to get the attention from Issei. Hearing that, Issei stop doing what he was doing and fix Lucy's top.

Issei: "Sorry for the indecency scene... uhm Sera-chan.. why are you and Sirzechs doing here?"

He asked.

Serafall: "We are here because it has been decided that you, Hyodo Ise henceforth will be promoted to High-Class Devil starting today."

She replied as she removed her hand off Sirzechs. Lucy and Grayfia can't believe that Issei will be promoted. Lucy exclaimed in shock.

Lucy: "Seriously?! How could that be Lady Serafall?! In order to be promoted to higher rank, there are several tests need to be accomplished plus he doesn't even take Mid-Class and High-Class Promotion! Why would the Maous especially the Devil Council decide to promote him?"

Sirzechs answered the question before Serafall did.

Sirzechs: "He defeating leader-class Fallen Angel on his own, not only that, his performance, intelligence and strength had shown throughout the Underworld during the Unofficial Rating Game between Rias and Riser. He had shown an outstanding idea which made him a master strategist and tactician. Plus having a child with the heiress of the Lucifuge Household is bringing back the Lucifuge Clan to its former glory. As the result, it has been decided to officially promote Ise-kun to higher position even though we, the Maous and the council had different opinions on the matter. We wanted to promote you to mid-class devil rather than high-class as it would be unfair to other mid-class devils who had work hard their entire lives to achieve it but the council wouldn't budge so we had to give in."

Issei shocked to hear that, more than Grayfia and Lucy combined. He can't believe the Council would promote him, an reincarnated devil to higher position. Serafall stepped forward.

Serafall: "As of today, by the orders of Maous and the council, you are hereby promoted to High-Class Devil. Congratulation and I hope you will keep supporting Rias and continue to serve the Underworld to the best of your abilities. Unlike any High-Class Devil, you acquired two set of Evil Piece. Take these Ise-kun."

She hands over two boxes of Evil Pieces to him which he gratefully took it. Grayfia and Lucy smiles at him, proud of their mate. Grayfia and Lucy congratulate him.

Issei: "Thank you. I will do my best to meet your expectations. Although it is bit embarrassing that I got promoted due to beating the hell out of the pigeon. Well, at least I can perform the engagement ritual with both Grayfia and Lucy but it needs to wait. I'll do it when the right time comes. Anyway, Lord Sirzechs. I want to know where can I find Hades."

He looks at the Crimson Devil King. Serafall's eyes widened that her mate know about that skeleton.

Sirzechs: "May I ask why you want to know about his whereabouts?"

He asked with curiosity.

Issei: "He's a thorn for Sacred Gear wielder therefore he needs to be executed. He might aligned with the enemy in the future, that's why I have to kill him now."

Serafall: "You can't, Ise-kun. Without evidence, we can't let you kill Hades. We gather the evidence first and use it against him, with the evidence, he won't escape justice."

She said, Sirzechs nodded as he agree with her.

Sirzechs: "She's right, Ise-kun. Wait for the right time plus you have a child to take care of."

He added. Issei nods reluctantly.

Issei: "Very well. Anyway, does Rias know about me getting promoted?"

He asked the Maous.

Sirzechs: "Yes she does."

He answered.

Issei: "I see."

He looks at the box in his hand then kept inside the pocket. Both Serafall and Sirzechs returned to the Underworld.

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