Prologue 25

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[5 days later, in the classroom.]

Issei were minding his own business meanwhile his girlfriends were chatting with the other girls, introducing them to Xenovia who joined their class yesterday. She has joined Rias as her Knight after learning God's death from him, as for Irina, she goes back to England. He feel like someone has been stalking him for the past 2 days, he can't help but feel cringe as he never been stalked by someone before.

Issei: 'Hmm.... whoever you are, you'd better stop stalking me. Still why is she doing this?'

He can't help but to have these thoughts. The teacher walks in and said.

 The teacher walks in and said

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Mizuho: "Settle down everyone. We have new transfer student today. Please welcome her."

The said student walks into the class and standing there.

???: "Hello. My name is Minami Kisaki, a transfer student from Tokyo. It is nice to meet you."

The students especially boys were cheering that they got another beauty in the class, there's few girls who were jealous of her figure

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The students especially boys were cheering that they got another beauty in the class, there's few girls who were jealous of her figure. Issei take a spit upon hearing that name and stood up from his seat.

Issei: "Minami?!"

He shouted in disbelief. She spotted him and waved happily.

Minami: "Ise-kun. It's good to see you again."

She said. Motohama who isn't happy with this, shouted angrily at him.

Motohama: "Hey! Why's my future baby mama talking to you, dumbass?!"

Hearing those words, Issei walks up towards Motohama and slamming his head into the desk, knocking him out.

Issei: "She's my cousin and one of my girlfriends. If any of you boys here hitting on her, you know what's coming next. Stay away from my girlfriends and we are good.. however if you ignore my warning..."

He paused for a brief moment before continuing.

He paused for a brief moment before continuing

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Issei: ".... You will wish that you never been born into this world. Matsuo is the perfect example for that, unless you want to have the same fate as him, step forward. I'm gladly sent you to the afterlife."

Upon hearing those words, the boys nodded in horror. They don't want to experience the same fate as him due to their ignorance. Seeing this, he goes back to his seat and sit down. Asia and the his other mates giggles at his overprotective nature. His homeroom teacher, Mizuho feel aroused seeing him like that. Yes, she developed a crush on him. Minami blushing heavily as she didn't expect him to be so bold.

Mizuho: "W-Well... Kisaki-san, you may go sit behind Hyodo-kun."

She said.

Minami: "Yes ma'am."

She replied and goes to her seat.

[After school]

Issei and the others went to the old school building along with Minami.

Issei: "So you're the one who has been stalking me for the last 2 days?"

He asked, deadpanned that she do such a thing.

Minami: "Yes I certainly did."

She replied shamelessly as she pressed her breasts into his back.

Issei: "Uh hey...!"

He blushing heavily as he felt her soft bosom on his back. Seeing this, Murayama and the other girls are jealous of her. Asia grabs his arm and puts his head into her developed breasts.

Asia: "I refuse of losing to you, Minami-san!"

She said out loud. Both Murayama and Katase pulls him away from them.

Both: "Same here, Asia! We are his girlfriends too!"

They yelled. Kiba and Koneko were giggling at Issei's misfortune, Akeno on the other hand, filled with jealousy. Xenovia remains neutral as she still fear of him. The 4 girls began pulling his arms, Asia and Minami on the right side, the Kendo Duo on the left side.

Issei: 'Jeez... what did I do to deserve this? Jealous truly is women's kryptonite. This type of Chaos isn't what I wanted... this is scary.'

He whined in his thoughts. A little while later, the girls had stop arguing and the group heads to the ORC clubroom. Kiba knocks on the door. A voice echoed from the other side.

Rias: "Come in."

He opens the door and walks inside, the others walks in after him and Issei being the last one to enter, closing the door behind him.

Issei: "Sorry for late, I ran into bit of trouble on the way here."

He said while massaging his numbs arms due to being pulled by the girls.

Rias: "I see, that's quite unfortunate for you. Nevermind that, I called you all here because I have an important news to announce. This is for Ise actually."

She replied which confused most of the majority here especially Issei. He then asked.

Issei: "Uh okay...? Mind tell us what's so important that we can't talk at home?"

Before Rias could answer, silver magic circle appeared in the middle of the room and revealed Grayfia Lucifuge with a baby boy sleeping in her arms. Rias then said.

Rias: "Well, meet your son Ise. Grayfia gave birth to him last night. Of course we tried to contact you but Grayfia want to surprise you."

Hearing that, he walked up towards Grayfia and looks at the baby.

Issei: "I-I-I'm a father! Ahahaha!"

He picked her up with huge smiles on his face. Grayfia giggles seeing him this happy.

Grayfia: "I named our son, Lucias Lucifuge-Hyodo."

She said with a smile. Issei put her down and poke their baby's cheek.

Issei: "Welcome to the world, my son."

He shed tears in happiness, wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

Issei: "Thank you Fia-chan. You gave me the most beautiful treasure."

He leans his forehead against hers, closing his eyes slowly.

Grayfia: "I'm the one who should thank you, Ise-kun. I've been wanting to have a child for so long and you gave me the opportunity to become a mother. I couldn't be more happier. I love you."

She shed tears of her own.

Issei: "I love you too."

Rias and the others are happy for the couple yet also jealous of them, more to Grayfia specifically.

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