How about both? (part 2)

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Ten hard hits of the paddle on each of my ass cheeks left me whimpering. My ass was in a state of constant pain. It was getting really difficult for me to maintain this position. The wetness from the pussy had spread to the inner thighs when my ass was being spanked. Daddy left the paddle on the table and stood in front of me. He grabbed me by the back of my neck and brought his mouth near mine. I stared at his mouth and licked my lips. A soft chuckle left his gorgeous mouth. He brought his lips to my ear, kissed the shell of my ear and then bit the earlobe gently.

"How does your ass feel, baby girl?" He asked.

"It's sore, Daddy." I answered.

"You can now stand properly now." He said and stepped away from me. I closed my legs together and the wetness seemed like it was everywhere. He dropped his hands to my waxed mound and scratched it with his short blunt nails. "You are so wet that I can see that pussy glistening with your juices." He, finally, slid his fingers down and let it rest on my clit. I gave out a sigh of relief. I dug my nails into the palm of my hands as he increased the pressure of his forefinger and middle finger on my clit. I clenched my pussy and I could feel that more juice dripped out.

As my toes curled in pleasure and I got closer to the verge of orgasm he took his fingers away and wrapped his tongue around them. "Just as delicious as my favorite dessert." I blushed like a schoolgirl receiving compliments from her crush. He gave me a soft kiss on my lips and wrapped his hand around mine to lead me to the bed.

The short walk was not really helpful for my wet pussy. The pussy lips rubbing against each other felt like the most wonderful type of friction I had ever felt. As we reached the edge he helped to get on the bed on all fours. He made sure that my thighs were not closed. His hands were resting on my sore ass. The pain has subsided a little. The sting of the hits and his soft kisses on my ass created such a juxtaposition. "Does it hurt too much?"

"No, it is alright. I like it." I replied.

"You should always let me know if there is anything that you do not like. Are you clear?" He asked. I nodded. "What do you need now? Tell me and you will get it."

"I need to cum, please. I want to let myself go. Please, daddy, make me cum." I answered while clenching my pussy.

Daddy gave my sore ass a light smack before he finally cupped my vulva with his palm. "Oh, yes." I murmured. He smacked my pussy ensuring that the clit was hit. I gasped. The sound of the wet pussy getting smacked was really sexy. He did not wait for a second to put three fingers in my pussy and to start fingering me hard. He used his other hand to play with my clit. He pinched it lightly first and then started to rub it roughly. I was sure that if the wet pussy was not this wet, then it might not have felt this good.

I gripped the sheets tightly as he fingered me hard. There was not any type of resistance. He curled his fingers inside my pussy and massaged the spot that left me a squirting mess. He spent almost a minute massaging that spot. He pinched the clit so hard that it got almost painful. He knew me so well.

He left massaging that spot and started to finger me with four fingers. It was a tight fit but he did not let that deter him. He shoved them in and out quick and hard. My thighs started to shake and it was getting difficult to support myself. I screamed as liquid gushed out of me in a spraying mess because he went back to rubbing my clit as soon as I clenched on his fingers hard indicating my orgasm.

He let the fingers rest in my vagina as the walls clenched against his fingers. He did not move them out until I had stopped squirting. I let my head rest on the bed and arched my back lifting my ass up in the air. My thighs did not stop shaking. He was massaging my ass cheeks as we both waited for my thighs to stop shaking. My breaths finally slowed down.

I lifted my head up and turned my face towards him. He was licking his fingers one by one, lazily. The tent in his pants made me drool a little. This man totally knew how to use his cock. "You made such a big mess, baby." He said it in a manner as if he was not the one responsible for it. A soft smile was on his face. This made me grin.

"Go and lie down, properly. Rest your head on the pillow. I still have not forgotten about the paddle hitting your pussy." I crawled to the pillows and lied down. It felt good to lie down at last. He took off his tie while keeping his eyes on me. I was so glad to find him undressing. Unfortunately, the tie only came off to tie my hands together to the bed.

He unbuttoned the first couple of buttons of his shirt letting me glimpse his chest. He knelt near my feet and made me bend my knees. He laid me on my side and put his hand on the upper leg so that my thighs did not part. My vulva was still wet. One of his knuckles was moving between my pussy lips.

He put two fingers in my vagina and fucked me slowly. My moans let him know how good my pussy felt. He added another finger and kept fingering. He had so much patience. He increased his pace and I knew I was going to cum again. He is now fingering me harder. My moans got louder. A squirter like me was most likely going to squirt again. He added another finger and I knew the pressure was building. As my pussy started to clench around his fingers, frequently, he let his other hand twist my nipple. He then pinched and pulled it. His pace did not falter at all.

I bit my lips hard as the orgasm took over my body. My toes curled and I buried my face on the pillow as I squirted again. He did not stop fingering me even after I squirted. He kept going with the four fingers at the same fucking pace. My pussy was so sensitive from two orgasms.

My toes curled as they tried to grip onto something. He removed his hand from my nipple and from my pussy, thankfully. I felt relieved because my pussy could not take it anymore. I was now lying on my back. I could feel the wet spot on my ass. He moved between my legs and took a small object out of his pocket. He turned it on and I could hear the hum of the device. I gulped. It was not possible for me to cum anymore. Fuck, I do not not know. He brought the vibrator and directly put it against my clit. The intensity of the vibrator was not strong, so it felt pleasant.

The vibrator's intensity increased when he made me bend my knees. He took two of his fingers and did not finger me. He just kept them in my vagina. The action was a little confusing. I clenched around his fingers for fun. After a couple minutes of the same intensity, there was an increase. Simultaneously, he curled his fingers inside and rubbed that spot, fucking again. "Fuck, no." I arched my back and almost lifted myself off the bed after a minute as he kept massaging that fucking spot. "Oh God, no, I can't. Fuck."

My words did not faze him. He continued on. Curses and moans did not stop coming out of my mouth until I had another orgasm. My whole body shook as I squirted for the third fucking time. My voice felt hoarse from all that screaming. It took so long to reach this third one because I was so over-stimulated.

He gave my forehead a kiss before getting out of the bed. He untied my hands and handed me the water bottle kept on the side table. Daddy let me lean against his chest as he murmured affirmations in my ear. "I love seeing pleasure taking over your body. You have been such a good girl for me. Now, drink that water. The bed still has a lot of dry space."

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