Inquisitive Friends (Part 3)

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"That was naughty even of you, Erin. You have been a very bad girl." Zoi said with fake anger in her eyes as she ran her eyes over Erin's naked body with lusty eyes.

"What are you going to do? Punish me?" Erin answered while laughing.

"Thank you for the idea. You definitely should be punished." Zoi swiftly got up and slapped Erin's cunt making her cry out in shock. Erin pushed her thighs together and as soon as the sting subsided, she found herself craving more slaps.

While Erin was still feeling the shock, Zoi unlocked her precious cabinet and took out a spreader bar and a pair of handcuffs. She brought  and kept them beside Erin to see her reaction. "Do you want to try them out? Anytime you don't want to try anything you just have to say no. I just thought after last night's conversation we could try a few new things if you would also like to. So, what do you think?"

"I want to explore with you as well. I think a safe word would be better than saying no if we want to push our boundaries a bit. What do you think about red being a safe word?" Erin replied.

"It's a classic. It's perfect." Zoi leaned and kissed Erin on the mouth softly as her hands wrapped around her throat gently. Zoi bound Erin's hands to the bedposts and put the cuffs of the spreader bar around her ankles. She maintained eye contact to ensure that the spreader bar was not uncomfortable for her.

It was such a perfect view with Erin being spread eagle. Her soft and luscious breasts with erect nipples were rising and falling with each breath she took. There was the uninterrupted view of her cunt. It slowly released more liquid under Zoi's lustful gaze.

Zoi went out of the room and entered with a bowl of ice. She kept the bowl on the bedside table and put one ice cube in Erin's mouth and took another in hers. She used the ice cube in her mouth to glide it along the collarbone and the valley of the breast to settle it on her navel.

She took the other one out from Erin's mouth and rubbed it on her mound. Erin's shivers and squirming satisfied Zoi that she continued with her actions. The ice cube traveled on the labias before finally resting on her clit.

Erin's breathing increased as the cold seeped on the most sensitive part. "Stop squirming." Zoi ordered and slapped her tit hard. She looked at her friend to ensure that she was not taking too far. Erin understood the question in her eyes and nodded. Zoi still needed to be sure and whispered in her ear, "Do you want to be a slut. Erin? Do you want to have your cunt and tits slapped? Do you want pain and pleasure? Do you want me to give you orgasms until you cannot take it anymore?"

"Yes to all those questions. I want it all. I am your bitch and whore. Use my slutty body." Erin replied enthusiastically.

Zoi kissed Erin's forehead and took some more ice cubes from the bowl. She rubbed those on her palm and put one in Erin's slick vagina. She put two more and Erin sighed as the cold sensation slowly seemed to travel up her whole body. "Do not push them out." Zoi shoved three more in that cunt as well as her middle finger and forefinger.

She circled the clit with another ice cube. Slowly, liquid was getting out the ice filled cunt and Erin's moans and squirming increased. She could not keep still as she felt this different sensation. More ice cubes were shoved in her vagina filling it up to the brim. Erin was facing difficulty to keep it all in.

"Bad girl." Zoi commented seeing Erin's incapability. She pinched her slippery clit hard which made Erin cry out and clench her cunt making a couple of cubes slip out. Zoi looked at Erin with false disappointment. Zoi pouted and put four more ice cubes in that full cunt and slapped it hard. Erin moaned louder as the slap hit her clit perfectly. Seeing this reaction, Zoi slapped her clit harder. More ice cubes slipped out. The bed was getting soaked from the ice cubes and Erin's pussy.

Zoi was encouraged and decided to slap the clit hard three times nonstop. Erin moans and cries filled Zoi with some pleasure making her own pussy wet. Zoi got up and got two vibrators. She put one on Erin's sore and slick pussy. She set the vibration to the lowest setting and moved on to fondle Erin's tits. Erin's back arched as she felt the vibration. Zoi straddled Erin to keep her grounded and increased the vibration. Erin's muscles tensed and her cries got louder when Zoi started to slap both breasts simultaneously. With every slap, Erin could feel Zoi's wet pussy on her body. Zoi slapped those tits five times and then twisted those nipples and pulled them as far as she could. This became all too much of Zoi and she came intensely.

The vibrations did not stop, instead it increased. After minutes of twisting and pulling Erin's hard nipples and making them sore, Zoi decided to knead the tits. The sensitive tits and the sensitive cunt pushed Erin to another orgasm. Her whole body would have lifted off the bed if Zoi's weight was not on her. Her head turned sideways as her fists were desperate to grip on to something to ride this wave of pleasure. Her toes curled and she wanted to close her thighs but was unable to do so.

The vibrations were set to the highest setting sending jolts of pleasure to Erin's brain. Screams left her mouth when Zoi started to shake the heavy tits using the sore nipples. The shaking continued for at least a minute before the tits dropped. Zoi got off Erin ran her fingers down her wrists to her armpits making her feel slightly ticklish. The path of the fingers were then followed by Zoi's lips and tongue while Erin's body tried to toss and turn out of sheer pleasure.

Another orgasm was ripped out of Erin's body as she thrashed around trying to make head and tail of this intense pleasure. It was not even a couple of minutes before she felt another orgasm building up in her. She felt powerless. She did not have it in her to have another orgasm but still somehow it happened. She was gasping for air and her back was arched and she clenched her teeth while she tried to figure out if this was pleasure or torture.

Zoi looked at her friend and decided to give her one final orgasm for now. She quickly took off the vibrator and pressed on the clit. A loud moan filled the room. Zoi started to rub the clit sideways and inserted three fingers in the vagina and curled them before she started to finger the hole. She kept an eye on Erin's face to determine her sweet spot.

When Erin's face gave the spot away, Zoi decided to pay special attention to that spot while vigorously rubbing that sensitive wet clit. Erin understood what Erin was trying to do. She did not fight the body's reaction and very soon with frequent clenching of her vagina around the fingers she had an orgasm that made her gush out strongly making a wet mess on the bed. A smirk graced Zoi's lips as she saw Erin lose control to extreme pleasure.

Without wasting another minute Zoi got busy taking off the handcuffs and the spreader bar. She put them on the floor and pulled Erin close to her chest as she ran her fingers through Erin's hair soothingly while murmuring praises of her extraordinary performance and endurance. 

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