1st day + a little backstory

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A- Angela

(This is my first time writing so please let me know if you have any recommendations or if I did something wrong 🥲)


~It was 1 week before the new rookies came in~

Tim knocked on greys office, and Grey signals Bradford to come in...

T-Hi, I need to talk to you...
G-Sure, what's up?
T-Ok, so you know how there are new rookies coming in... well, Lucy Chen... one of the rookies... we're engaged.
G-Oh wow, Congrats!, I think that I can make an exception for you since you have been working with us for so long and I am sure you guys will be professional at work.
T-Yes, of course!
G-Great, now I am in a dilemma... I know that you really didn't want Nolan and you bribed me with 2 floor seats to a lakers game, but I don't want to give you Jackson since that is what Percy wants (say grey doesn't like Percy West) ... so one of my only options is to give you Chen. Do you think you can handle keeping professional?
T-Yes, of course! But can I ask you to keep this quiet I don't want anyone knowing about our relationship yet.
G-For sure

Tim leaves greys office. It is now night and he is going back home. He enters the house and doesn't see Lucy.

T-Luce, Baby!

No response.

Tim checks his phone and sees a message from Lucy.

L-I am at my apartment hanging out with John and Jackson, I'll be home at 9!
T-Ok, see you

Backstory-(they got engaged 2 weeks before Lucy became a rookie, and they agreed to it quiet at the station and to have their wedding after she becomes P2, and her apartment is a cover up for their relationship)


L-Babe! I'm home!! Hey KOJO

Tim comes out of the bedroom

T-Hey baby!

1 week later...

It is officially Lucy's first day as a rookie!


Lucy wakes up and tries to get out of bed without waking Tim, but ultimately fails

T-Babe why are you up so early?
L-It's my first day and I need to make a good impression!
T-mhm... well I am gonna go back to bed for at least another 15 minutes.
L-Alright, I'm going to go shower then...

They get in the shower together and they finish up.

T-you can get ready I will make some food then walk Kojo.

Lucy starts to get ready while Tim takes kojo on a walk. About 15 minutes later he comes back and starts to make pancakes and coffee. Right then Lucy come out of the bedroom.

L-mhmmm... smells good
T-want some how many
L-2 please?
T-coming right up

(Lucy wants to keep her last name during work)

They finish their food and Lucy takes her car while Tim takes his to the station. Before Lucy got to the station she saw someone trying to break in to a car and arrested them.

At the station, Nolan got pranked, Tim scared Jackson off, and Lucy surprisingly was fine.

In the roll call room.

G-Alright, settle down. We got some new blood this morning, and some pushing the expiration date.

Everyone else: hahahaha

G-after 6 months together in the academy you have earned the right to be here but you will have to prove yourself to stay. The way we do things matter, protocol and tradition are the medal from which every cop in the city is forged.

G-It's time to play the training officer match game. Our contestants are... Lucy Chen hotshot who made her first arrest before clocking in for work. Legacy Jackson west who broke all his dad's records at the academy, and John Nolan who was born before Disco died.

G-Winners are officer Bradford, you get out hotshot, officer Lopez you get our legacy, and officer Harper (pretend Harper was here front eh start) to ride with the 40yr old rookie. -blah blah-

end of roll call.


All the rookies run to get the war bags. Nolan, Harper, Lopez, and West all leave first leaving Bradford and Chen.

T-Here lemme help you
L-No! I got it, you can't go easy one me!

In the shop.

T-Luce, I want to clear things up before it happens, from now on I will call you "Chen" when we are at work. And I might be a little loud just so you know and people don't get suspicious.

L-points at the cameras*

T-they never check those anyway🙄

They continue their day handling 2 noise complaints and 1 arrest for assault. It is now almost 12:20 and lunch starts at 12:30. Tim suddenly pulls over and stops the car and asks Lucy for her phone. Lucy doesn't question it and gives it to him.

T-here, there is my Apple Pay. So when you buy lunch you can use it. The rookies always pays for their TOs everything when at work.

L-I have money you know

T-I know but you should use mine. I better see you paying with that phone.


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