Isabel... (wedding planning)

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The next morning was a Sunday and it was their day off. They were planning to take this day to plan their wedding.


In the morning lucy was still a little tired so she slept in a little longer while Tim got up to start making breakfast.


Suddenly the doorbell rang, and Tim went to get the door. Lucy heard this and got up.


At the door:
T-oh uh, hi. What are you doing here...
I-well I was just going...

Right then Lucy walks out of the bedroom wearing Tim's favorite T-shirt with shorts and a messy bun looking kinda messed up.

L-babe, who is at the door.
I-hi, you are..
L-oh sorry, Lucy... Lucy Chen
I-hey I'm Isabel

Lucy looks at Tim and gave him "Isabel and in your ex wife" look. And Tim nods

L-come in come in!
I-ok thank you.

They went and sat on the couch

L-I'll get you some water

And Lucy leaves to get water.

T-so what brings you here?
I-well, i was going to ask you something but who is that?
T-uhh Lucy, she is my fiancée
I-you're getting married?
T-yea... how are you doing? I mean you look great.
I-well life was better before...

Lucy comes back with the water and sets it down on the table.

L-here you go.
T&I-thank you
L-well I'll go to the bedroom.
T-no, stay
L-it might be better if I let you guys talk.
T-sit here *he pats on the seat next to him* (p.s Isabel is on a 1 person sofa)

They begin to talk...

T-so, what brings you here Isabel.
I-well I got into rehab and therapy, so I have been doing better... I was just wondering if we can start over and go back to what we used to have.
T-I'm sorry, I'm with Lucy and I wouldn't leave her for anything in the world.
I-oh... I can see you love her really much.
I-ok, well I'm going to go

She gets up and leaves.

L-well that was awkward...
T-ok, but now we seriously have to hurry. We meet with the wedding planner in 30 minutes!
L-let's go shower first then let's eat. And then drive there

They get ready and drive there with 2 minutes to spare

L-we are early!
T-by 2 minutes...
L-still early😁

They go in and meet with wedding planner

V-wedding planner.

V-hello Ms.chen, and Mr.Bradford
L&T- hey
V-my name is Victoria and I will be your wedding planner.
L-hello Victoria, it's nice to meet you."they all exchange handshakes.
V-so were you thinking of an indoor or outdoor wedding.
V-any theme ideas?
T-Nothing too extreme and like simple
L-I want something classy, dreamy, and elegant *as Lucy gives Tim the "why are you so boring look😒"*
V-alright I'll see what I can do... and specific colors in mind?
L-Tim, have more color than white 😑, I want pink, green, and gold
V-alright great choice, any specific decorations
L-I want fairy lights and things decor hanging down.
V-perfect, so a tint of fairytale?
V-would you like it to be very bright, or kinda dim?
T&L-in between
L-so like not to dim but not like full brightness
V-alright!, come back tomorrow for wedding cake tasting!
L&T-perfect, thanks!

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They leave and get in the car

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They leave and get in the car.

L-ugh why are you so boring
L-you had 0 ideas
T-I'll like whatever you chose
L-that's not how it works! we are both getting married here!!!
T-alright alright, I'm sorry! I'll give more ideas next time, when we choose cake *kisses her forehead and starts the car*
L-hehe, I love you
T-I love you more
L-not possible
T-Well it is!

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