The ring 💍

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Tim and Lucy both got out of the shop and went to the food trucks near the station.

T-Chen, get me my food
L-On it!

Lucy goes to a taco truck and get what she and Tim usually gets... meanwhile Angela, Nyla, and Tim were at a table.

A-how is your rookie
N-I mean he is old...

They all laugh 🤭

T-she is a work in progress...

Tim checks his phone and leaves it on the table face up, and Lucy pays right as he put it down for 2-3 seconds. A notification shows on his phone.

A-what's that?
T-I don't know, it's probably some spam mail
N-it looked like a credit card notification
T-I will deal with it later

Lucy brings over Tim's usual order and she leaves for her own table with the other rookies.

N-oOo.. she smart she knows your taste.
A-wow that's a little weird isn't it?
T-no. I told her in the shop

Meanwhile with the rookies

J-how is your TO?
No-she's something...
L-Ti- Bradford is surprisingly bit too bad
J-Really? My dad says he is known for being a hardass
No-oh good luck, keep your guard up! He is probably playing nice.

After lunch they had a normal day and everyone went home.

At Tim and Lucy's house:

T-hey lulu, how was your first day
T-oh really?!
L-being on patrol was much easier than I though
T-ok, looks like I need to be harder on you
L-Try me!

They make and eat dinner...

T-I bet I can make this day better 😏
L-oh yea?

Tim picks Lucy up from he thighs and she wraps her thighs around his waist and they walk into the bedroom and they yup..👍 from 10pm-3am


L-babe we need to shower and go to sleep we have work tomorrow.

They go shower and sleep


Lucy wakes up and turns to her right but doesn't see Tim.


Right then Tim walks inside the bedroom

L-where were you?
T-I had to walk kojo and I made you food 😊
L-thank you

Lucy gets up and tries to walk but starts limping a little

T-haha, can you even go on patrol walking like that?
L-don't laugh at me, you did this to me!

Later Lucy walks it out and went into the roll call room normally and sits down. Nolan realizes something sparkly on Lucy's fingers but brushes it off... (because Mr.John Nolan over here is always so clueless)

Everything goes back to normal and it is now lunch, time made sure to put away his phone so nobody can see the apple pay notification.

At the rookie lunch table:

Jackson noticed something sparkly at the corner of his eyes, and saw a RING?! on Lucy's finger.

J-Lucy why do you have a wedding ring?
L-ummm, I got it as a gift...
N-WOW, that must of been an expensive gift!
L-yup, probably
J-mhm, yea think of a better lie
L-I'm not lying...
J-so when were you going to tell us that you were dating someone, nonetheless engaged!?!
N-Wait so you are actually married?!?
L-well... I'm not married...yet...
J-Who are you engaged to?!
L-you'll see when you see🫢

After that word got around about Lucy's engagement and people were starting to guess who she was engaged to. Angela and Nyla also became friends with Lucy, they both tried to find out who she was engaged to but ultimately failed.

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