Fired 😰

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On patrol the next day:


It has been nice on patrol until Ashley decided to open her little mouth

As-did you really not take into consideration what I said?
T-what do you mean?
As-you let her completely sit on your lap.
As-do you not see the problem?
As-are you a homewrecker?
As-I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that, but you are breaking her and her fiance up!
T-how do you think I can fix this "problem"
As-you can date someone...
T-yea no.
As-come on try it...
T-well I'm not gonna go out and find someone to date.
As-you don't need to go out and find someone😏
T-what are you implying by that?
As-Are you always this clueless?, I like you dammit! I'm asking you out
T-look, you are great. But I'm not interested.

The rest of patrol was quiet, and none of them talk, when suddenly they got dispatched, and Ashley messed up really bad. Not only did she shoot the suspect when they were unarmed the suspect passed away...(Tim also got shot in the shoulder), and Lucy was called.

As-oh no...
G-Officer McGrady, please return your gun, badge, and uniform. You will be taken to trial for murder, you have loss the right to remain silent whatever you say can and will be used against you in court. You will not be further allowed to rejoin or attend the police academy.
As-no! I promise it was an accident.
G-unfortunately, rules are rules
As-can I atleast wait for Tim to get out to say goodbye?

Lucy got to Shaw Memorial Hospital.

L-I got here as soon as I can, is he ok
G-he is in surgery getting the bullet removed but the doctors think he should be fine.


D-is there a Lucy Chen?
L-that would be me.
D-ok can you please sign some papers
L-yea, ofc

Tim got out of surgery and was in the hospital room, everyone was waiting in the waiting room until they can go in and visit.

D-you guys can go visit he is in room 437.
A-thanks doc

They all go into Tim's room and Lucy immediately sits in the chair next to him, and everyone else was standing watching them, including Ashley.

Tim wakes up... and turns to Lucy

T-hey lulu
L-babe, are you ok?
T-I mean I felt like a bullet went right through me
L-haha getting shot has this kinda effect...
A-Wow Bradford, I really thought you were going to ditch you fiancé before your wedding...
T-I would never *kisses lucy*
As-wait wait... you are married to Lucy?!
N-yes, what did you think?

Ashley got taken into trial and grey let Lucy take a day off to take care of Tim.

At home:

L-wow, I can't believe Ashley found out this way.
T-Atleast she knows...
L-but now you and I both don't have rookies since Harper is coming back tomorrow.
T-great! I don't need another thing in my plate, I need time to study for the Sargents exam. I need to get top 5 to become a Sargent.
L-I'm sure you will get 1st
T-but even if I do, I'm not moving stations so I hope grey pasts his captins exam, so he can move up and I can take his position at this station.
L-why, if there is a good role at a different station why not take it?
T-because you're here😏

They spent the rest of day just chilling and chatting.

On the couch.

Tim was sitting on the couch watching a show when Lucy came on. She instantly lays back down, and puts her feet on his lap, once that happens she immediately starts to massage.

L-you would make a great massage therapist
T-ya think?
L-100% sure you will.
T-do they earn good money?
L-like 40-50 dollars a hour if they are professional.
T-I can go work as a massage therapist then.
L-yea... people will only come to you cuz your hot
T-mhm, but I'm only for you.

They go in the bedroom and...

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