The bar🍻

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(It has been around 4-5 months into their rookie training and they all decided to go to a bar)


A-hey do you wanna go to *insert name* bar today at 7?
N-count me in
L-same here
A-since when do you go to bars Bradford?
T-since today...
A-mhm *smirks at nyla*

They all meet up and the bar (Lucy Ubers because she knows she is gonna get drunk and can't drive)

Everyone else - Hi

They are all hanging out and having fun

L-I'm going to use the washroom
Everyone else-ok

She uses the washroom and on her way back this random guy was hitting on her.
R-Random guy

R-hey what's a pretty lady like you doing here alone
L-uhm.. I'm not alone, I'm with them *points to her group*
R-well let me buy you a drink
L-no thank *tries to walk away*
The random dude grabs her wrist
L-let go of me

Tim sees this excuses himself and walks over to them.

T-hey let her go
R-who are you to tell be what to do🙄
T-well you see that ring on her finger... yea

The random dude let go and nobody else heard what he said, he walked to the washroom and pretended to use it to not be suspicious.

L-hey I'm back
N-what took you so long
L-some random dude started hitting on me
A-damn gurl, doesn't he see that ring?💍
(Angela is a little bit drunk by now)


Everyone left now except Tim and Lucy.

T-let's go home
L-ok let me close out the tab.
T-no, I got it
*pays for everything*
(Tim didn't drink anything cuz he has to drive)

They get in Tim's truck and Tim instantly puts his hand on her thigh. And starts moving it up and down.

They get home and go to sleep.

The next morning at the station:

A-Wow you're really damn energetic in the morning.
N-Lucy when will you tell us who you are engaged to?
L-like I always say, you will know when you know.

They went on patrol again...


They got a robbery notice and Tim and Lucy went to deal with it. Lucy got shot by the robber.

T-Send in backup, code 30! OFFICER DOWN, I REPEAT OFFICER DOWN

ambulance get here and they get Lucy all checked out.


D-is there a Mr.bradford here
T-that would be me
D-it says you are on her emergency contact so please come and sign some documents

He signs everything and everyone goes to visit Lucy.

L-hey, why are you all here? Don't you have patrol
A-well we got grey to let us leave early to visit
N-you got Bradford on your emergency contact?!
L-well.. uhm... I'm not close with my parents and he did save me a few times...
A-mhm... what about your fiance?
L-uhh... he is out of town for a trip.
T-stop questioning her and let her rest guys
A&N-someone's overprotective
A-I'm just saying
T-what are you implying by that
N-I don't know, what do you think
T-she's engaged🙄

Angela and Nyla left the room and went home cause they have a husband and kids to take care of, while Bradford stayed by her side.

L-go home it's so uncomfortable in that chair.
T-I'm fine, it's not that bad
L-Tim please...
T-no. I'll leave when you leave
L-at least lay here with me, it more comfortable.
T-on this small single sized bed?

They cuddled up and laid there.

L-what about kojo who is going to walk and feed him?
T-I'll get Genny to do that.
L-won't it be much more comfortable in our bed at home?
T-nope. Because your not there
L-why is that so cheesy and cute at the same time?

In the morning he quickly went back on the chair in case anyone came to visit or saw them. He also called in sick to take care of Lucy.

It is now 12:00pm and Lucy is getting discharged. Tim signed a few papers and brought her home. The next day when she went into the station everyone started clapping, it was just like any other day.

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