Ashley's plan😦

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Ashley has a huge crush on Bradford and she isn't willing to give him up that easily...


Ashleys POV

I really like Bradford he is just idk perfect but he doesn't like me back... he is just so.. idk! I'm not willing to give up this easily.

Third person

Ashley loves Bradford and she is going to come up with a plan to make him fall in love with her as well.

1st she is going to become good friends with Lucy and hope Lucy will be her wingwomen since she seems really close to Bradford and she is engaged anyway.(😦😦😦)

The next day Ashley put her plan into action in trying to get close with Lucy. For example during lunch, she tried to start some convos.

L-what's up?
As-I was wondering how long were you a cop
L-About a year and a half, why?
As-wow you progressed really quickly
L-yea thanks to Mr Bradford over here
As-oh he help you?
L-no, he was my TO
As-harsh was he?
As-no Tim tests?
L-what are those?
As-ok never mind

Ashley and Lucy continued to walk until Tim walked over to them with his and Lucy's food, and shooed Ashley away

As-Lucy here's my number text me

Ashley left...

T-what was that about?
L-idk she was being awfully nice
T-that's good
L-maybe she is warming up to me :)
T-oh, you always have such a good point of view
L-what are you implying by that?
T-nothing! I just think that she isn't being nice for no reason.

Later that day they both went home. And Lucy decided to add Ashley:


As-Hi, you actually added me!
As-I was wondering if we could you know go to a bar or something to hang out! You seem really cool and I would really like to hang out sometime.
L-Yea ofc, i can come over or you can come over, or maybe a food truck or something.
As-Do you live near *insert name* park?
L-yea actually, can I bring my dog
L-1pm tomorrow? You are off right?

Lucy got off her phone and went to the sofa to find Tim.

L-babe, I'm going to *insert name* park to meet up with Ashley tomorrow
T-wait, what time are you going, what time will you be home, the Ashley from work?
L-chill, yes the Ashley at work. I'm going at 1pm, I will text you every 10 minutes and I'm bringing kojo.
T-ok if you text even 1 minute late I'm going there to find you.
L-I'm a cop I'll be fine
T-bring your gun
L-No! I'm fine 🙂
T-ok, fine

The next day at 12:45:

L-babe I'm going soon.
T-which car are you taking?
L-the black one ( pretend they have 2-3 cars and they don't say who's who's)
T-alright remember to text me!
L-I will

She leaves the house at 12:50 and drives for 3-4minutes and gets there at 12:54 to see Ashley on a bench already waiting for her.

As-Hey! You made it!
L-ofc, I'm not the type of person to ditch.
L-what's up
As-not much

They continue to chat for around 30minutes and Lucy keeps checking her phone to tell Tim she is ok, and see if he texted.

Suddenly Lucy gets a call from Tim

L-sorry my boyfriend is calling
As-it's ok
L-Hey babe what's up?
T-just missing you
L-come on, I'm with Ashley! I'll talk to you when I get home!
T-ugh fine
L-I love you bye
T-I love you more!

She ends the call

L-sorry about that
As-no worries, so your boyfriend eh?
L-well my fiance
As-wow he must be one lucky man!
L-I'm more of the lucky one!
As-how long have you been engaged
L-over a year, our wedding is going to be soon!
As-well I wish you the best!

They keep talking until they both say bye and leave.

At home:
L-Ashley was so nice!
T-that's good 👍
L-maybe she is actually just warming up!

Lucy and Ashley started becoming friends and Ashley started talking more about tim...

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