Han Jisung: Movie Night (smut)

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Paring: Han Jisung x Fem!Reader
Style of story: smut, Romance, Friendship. Minors Please do not interact
Word Count: 956
Summery: Stray Kids have a sleepover their friends, Y/N house. A spicy scene comes on during a movie giving Y/N ideas 👀

In Y/N's warm and inviting living room, the members of Stray Kids were spread out, some on the couch, others on cushions on the floor, engrossed in a movie marathon

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In Y/N's warm and inviting living room, the members of Stray Kids were spread out, some on the couch, others on cushions on the floor, engrossed in a movie marathon. Y/N and her boyfriend, Han Jisung, cuddled together on the loveseat, wrapped in a cozy blanket. The atmosphere was casual and relaxed, with everyone in their pajamas, enjoying snacks and the ongoing film.

As the third movie played, Y/N became increasingly restless. She kept stealing glances at Jisung, who was also feeling a bit distracted by the movie's intense scenes.

Noticing her unease, Jisung whispered, "Everything okay, Y/N?"

Y/N nodded, a mischievous glint in her eye. She subtly shifted closer to him, her hand casually landing on his thigh. Jisung, surprised but intrigued, tried to keep his focus on the movie.

Y/N leaned in, whispering seductively, "I can't help it, Jisung. This movie is giving me ideas."

Jisung chuckled softly, his voice low. "Is that so? Well, let's try not to give the guys a show."

Their flirtatious exchange continued as Y/N's hand ventured further, slipping inside his pajama pants. Jisung gasped slightly, covering it up with a cough. Minho, sitting nearby, glanced over with a raised eyebrow.

"Jisung, you alright?" Minho asked, pausing his snack.

"Yeah, just a tickle in my throat," Jisung replied, feigning nonchalance.

Minho nodded and turned back to the movie, unbothered. Meanwhile, Y/N's daring exploration continued, her fingers skillfully navigating. Jisung fought to maintain composure, his grip tightening on the loveseat.
As the movie reached a climactic scene, so did Jisung, his eyes locking with Y/N's in a silent exchange of fiery intensity. Y/N withdrew her hand, sharing a victorious, secretive smirk with him. Ensuring no one was watching, she teasingly licked her fingers clean.

Jisung playfully glared at her, whispering, "You're going to pay for that later."

The night wore on, and as Y/N retired to her room, her thoughts were a whirl of anticipation. The quiet was soon broken by Jisung's arrival. His eyes were intense, his smirk suggestive.

Climbing into bed with her, he began to kiss her neck, his voice a husky whisper, "Thought you could tease me and get away with it?"

Y/N's heart raced as she replied playfully, "Maybe I did. What are you going to do about it?"

Jisung's response was a mix of passion and tenderness, "I guess it's my turn now."

As Jisung's lips traced a fiery path along Y/N's collarbone, his hands roamed with a mix of gentleness and assertiveness. He carefully peeled away her pajama top, revealing the soft skin beneath. His own top followed suit, and the distance between them lessened, their bare chests pressing together in a heated exchange.
Y/N's breath hitched as Jisung's lips continued their journey, descending with deliberate slowness. His hands, confident and exploring, captured her chest, eliciting a sharp yelp from her lips. The room was filled with the sound of their synchronized breathing, the outside world fading into oblivion.

Jisung whispered against her skin, "Tell me if it's too much," his voice laced with concern and desire.

"It's perfect," Y/N gasped out, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her hands found their way into his hair, tangling in the soft strands as she encouraged his explorations.
Jisung's lips journeyed lower, pausing teasingly at her waistband. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he slowly slid them down, his mouth eagerly planting soft, feather-like kisses on her thighs. Y/N's response was a gasp, her body arching instinctively towards his touch.
He ventured further south, his movements both tender and fervent. Y/N's hands gripped his hair, guiding him, her body responding naturally to his ministrations. Jisung was attentive, syncing his movements with her reactions, ensuring every touch was a blend of pleasure and care.

Y/N's breaths became shallower, her grip on Jisung's hair tightening. "Jisung," she moaned, her voice trembling with unbridled passion.

"You're so beautiful like this," Jisung murmured, his voice muffled against her skin.

Her hips rolled in rhythm with his movements, pushing him closer, urging him on. The room echoed with the sounds of their intimate dance, a melody of breaths and whispers.

"Jisung... I'm close," Y/N breathed out, her voice laced with urgency.

Jisung responded with a nod, his actions becoming more deliberate, more focused. He was wholly attuned to her needs, his sole purpose to bring her to the heights of pleasure.
As Y/N finally came undone, her body convulsed with waves of ecstasy, her voice escaping in a crescendo of satisfaction. Jisung slowed his movements, easing her through the aftermath of her climax. He rose to meet her gaze, his own eyes reflecting a mix of admiration and affection.

Y/N, still catching her breath, reached out to caress his cheek. "Jisung, that was..." she started, lost for words.

"Incredible?" Jisung offered, a playful smirk on his lips.

"Beyond incredible," she corrected, pulling him into a deep, passionate kiss.

Their bodies melded together, the connection transcending the physical as they shared this intimate moment.
The night continued, their exploration of each other unhurried and full of discovery. Each touch, each kiss, deepened their bond, a testament to the love and trust they shared. As they lay together, basking in the afterglow of their passion, they knew that this night would be etched in their memories forever.

Jisung whispered into the quiet, "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Jisung," she replied, her voice soft and content.

Unaware of the private world in Y/N's bedroom, the rest of Stray Kids continued to enjoy their movie marathon, laughing and chatting, the night filled with their camaraderie.

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