Lee Felix: It All Started At The Night Shift

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Paring: Felix x Reader
Warning: SMUT, a lot Manipulation, Murder, mention of suicide, attempted murder, toxic relationship, Stalking
Style: NSFW, Yandere AU!, dark Romance, Friendship
Word count: 17,601

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The night at the market store was quiet, just Y/N, the guard, and Hwan, her colleague, were present. They often chatted to pass time during these slow hours.

As Y/N was sharing a comical story from her day, a customer walked in. She and the guard greeted him warmly. The customer, a handsome guy with blonde hair and an Australian accent, smiled back, his gaze lingering on Y/N.

Hwan, noticing the interaction, came over with a smirk. "Hey, did you see that? He's definitely cute. And that look he gave you, Y/N!"

Y/N blushed, trying to play it cool. "Oh, it's nothing, Hwan. Just being polite, I guess."

Hwan nudged her, "Polite? Nah, that was more than just polite. Trust me, I know these things."

As Felix approached the counter, Y/N felt her heart race. Hwan, seizing the moment, asked, "Hey man, what's your name?"

Laughing, Felix replied, "I'm Felix. Nice place you've got here. And you are?"

"I'm Hwan, and this is Y/N, the star cashier." Hwan beamed.

"Y/N, that's a really nice name. Suits you." Felix said as he smiled at Y/N.

Y/N's heart flustered at the compliment, "Thank you, Felix. Did you find everything okay?" managed to respond.

"Yeah, thanks to the great ambiance here. You guys seem like a fun team."

As Y/N scanned his items, Hwan chimed in, "We try our best. Keeps the night shifts interesting, right, Y/N?"

Felix paid, his eyes still on Y/N. "Thanks, Y/N. Maybe I'll drop by again during your shift."

After he left, Y/N sighed, trying to calm her fluttering heart. Hwan and the guard couldn't help but tease her. "Looks like someone's got an admirer," Hwan said, winking.

Y/N tried to dismiss it, but she couldn't help feeling excited at the prospect of seeing Felix again. Felix's visits to the market store during Y/N's night shifts had become a regular occurrence. Their conversations were always a highlight of her evenings.

On one particularly quiet night, Felix stayed longer than usual, engaging in conversation with Y/N, Hwan, and the guard. They talked about everything from funny personal stories to random trivia, creating a lively atmosphere in the usually quiet store.

"So, Felix," Hwan started, "what brings you to our humble store so late at night? You seem to have become quite the regular."

"Well, it's not just the midnight snacks that draw me here. It's the company, of course." Felix grinned.

Y/N blushed slightly, trying to focus on organizing the counter. The guard chimed in, "We're glad you enjoy our little night crew. Makes the time pass quicker, doesn't it?"

As they were all laughing at a joke the guard had just made, a new customer walked in, interrupting the moment. Felix glanced at the door, then back at Y/N. "Looks like I should get going. Duty calls, right?"

"Yeah, it does get a bit busier around now," Y/N replied, feeling a tinge of regret.

Felix headed out, and Y/N noticed his wallet left behind on the counter. "Oh no, he forgot his wallet," she said, picking it up.

The guard urged, "You should catch him before he gets too far. We've got things covered here."

Y/N hurried outside, calling after Felix, who was already some distance away. "Felix!" He didn't stop, so she called louder, "Felix!"

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