Jeongin & choi Beomgyu: It's Party Time (Smut)

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Pairing: Beomgyu x Reader x Jeongin
Style: NSFW, Smut, Friendship, Romance
Warning: a lot of teasing, Threesome, oral, female reader, a little bit of playful possessiveness.
Summery: Y/N joined her flatmates party that she put together with their closest friends. Y/N becomes the co-host and enjoys her time catching up with the people at the party but Beomgyu and Jeongin can't keep their eyes off her all night
Word Count: 3,511

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Y/N's apartment was buzzing with energy and music. Her flatmate, a natural host, had transformed their living space into a vibrant party venue. Friends from various circles mingled - Yeonjun, Jeongin, Felix, Seungmin, Chanbin, Beomgyu, Soobin, Wooyoung, Jake, Jay, Sunoo, Jungwon, Hueningkai, Taehyun, San, Seong Hwa, and a mix of girl friends. It was an eclectic mix, but it worked.
Usually more reserved, Y/N found herself swept up in the excitement. The presence of her favorite drink, a little liquid courage, didn't hurt either. She moved through the crowd, engaging in light, playful banter, her introverted nature taking a back seat for the night. But her real focus was on two people: Beomgyu and Jeongin.
Both boys, each a charmer in his own right, had their gazes locked on her throughout the night. Y/N couldn't help but feel a thrill at the attention. She was dressed to impress, in an outfit that hugged her figure perfectly at the top before flowing out in a skater style at the bottom. It was both cute and provocative, a reflection of her own dual nature.
Yeonjun, always the joker, nudged her playfully alongside Chanbin and Wooyoung. They pointed out the not-so-subtle glances Beomgyu and Jeongin were casting her way.

"Looks like you've got a fan club," Yeonjun teased, his eyes glinting with mischief.

Y/N felt a mix of excitement and nerves. The idea of being desired by both Beomgyu and Jeongin was exhilarating, sending a shiver of anticipation through her. As the party progressed, she found herself in a whirlwind of conversation and laughter with both of them, each interaction sparking more of that thrilling tension.
In a moment of daring, she caught Beomgyu's eye, his gaze intense and full of unspoken questions.

"You're not so subtle, you know," she said, a playful edge to her voice.

Beomgyu just grinned, unabashed. "Can't help it when someone as captivating as you is in the room."

Jeongin joined them, his approach smooth and confident. "I have to agree with Beomgyu. It's hard to look away."

The lively atmosphere of the party, mixed with a hint of alcohol, emboldened Y/N as she found herself playfully bantering with both Beomgyu and Jeongin. The three of them were wrapped in a bubble of laughter and flirtatious exchanges, each comment more daring than the last.

Beomgyu's humor was particularly infectious, causing Y/N to laugh heartily. "You're really full of surprises, aren't you?" she teased, meeting his gaze.

He shot back with a playful wink, "Only when I'm around someone as interesting as you."

Jeongin, not to be outdone, chimed in with a charming smile. "I think we're both just trying to keep up with you."

As the night progressed, their playful banter continued. Y/N found herself comfortably caught between the two. Jeongin's presence was reassuring at her back, while Beomgyu's energy was magnetic in front of her. The closeness was intoxicating, with Beomgyu's hands resting just shy of daring on her thighs, and Jeongin's arms encircling her waist in a casual yet intimate gesture.
Y/N leaned back slightly into Jeongin, feeling a rush of excitement. Her hand found its way to Beomgyu's shoulder, steadying herself as she engaged in their playful conversation. The three of them were in their own world, surrounded by the noise and energy of the party, yet distinctly apart.

"You guys really know how to make a girl feel special," Y/N said, her voice a mix of jest and sincerity.

Beomgyu's eyes sparkled with amusement. "That's because you are special. Aren't we lucky, Jeongin?"

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