Lee Felix: Mad

342 3 0

Paring: Felix x Reader
Warning: None
Style: Romance, friendship, Fluff
Word count: 1568

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In the dimly lit ambience of the busy bar, filled with the clamor of voices and the occasional clink of glasses, an unusual tension brewed at one of the tables. Felix, the ever-radiant sunshine of Stray Kids, found his usual smile replaced with a scowl, his gaze locked in a silent battle with the unwelcome suitor at his girlfriend's side. The group, along with y/n, had only sought a casual night out, a brief escape into the world of laughter and drinks. Yet, here they were, caught in an unforeseen storm.

Felix wasn't typically known to harbor jealousy; his bond with y/n was forged on trust and mutual respect, a testament to their unwavering commitment. But witnessing the persistent advances of the stranger, undeterred by her clear disinterest, ignited a fury within him. It wasn't jealousy that colored his mood dark—it was indignation at the disrespect being shown to her autonomy.

Across the table, the rest of Stray Kids exchanged uneasy glances, their jovial banter replaced with concern. "Do you think Felix will step in?" whispered Han, his eyes darting between Felix and the unfolding scene.

BangChan, the group's leader and usually the embodiment of calm, felt a knot of apprehension. "He's trying to let her handle it, but we all know how this is getting to him," he murmured back, his voice barely above the background noise.

At the heart of the commotion, y/n stood, her patience wearing thin. She had clearly stated her disinterest, not once but thrice, hoping to end the conversation without a scene. "Look, I'm really not interested," she said firmly, hoping to cut through the man's persistence.

But her words seemed to fall on deaf ears as he flashed his bank app, boasting of a lavish lifestyle he could offer her. "Just give me a chance, and I'll show you a world you've never seen," he insisted, a smug smile playing on his lips.

It was then Felix felt a primal anger surge. He could no longer be the passive observer, not when the line was crossed. The sound of his hand slamming against the table cut through the bar's din like a gunshot, silence ballooning in its wake. His chair screeched a loud protest as he stood, every pair of eyes suddenly on him.

Striding with purpose, Felix approached y/n and the unwelcome admirer, his posture radiating a silent challenge. Sliding his hand around y/n's waist, he pulled her close, an unspoken promise of protection in the gesture. His eyes, usually warm, held a storm as he fixed the suitor with a stare that could freeze hellfire.

"I think it's time you found someone else to bother," he said, his voice low and dangerous, every word a clear warning.

The man, taken aback by Felix's sudden intervention, stuttered, searching for a comeback. "And who are you to her?" he dared, an attempt to salvage his bruised ego.

Felix's response was calm, but the underlying fury was palpable. "I'm someone who doesn't need to flash my bank account to prove my worth to her. She's with me and it's time for you leave."

In the dimly lit ambiance of the bar, the tension was palpable, an electric charge that pulsed through the air. The rest of Stray Kids and the curious onlookers were frozen in a moment of anticipation, waiting to see how the unwelcome suitor would respond to Felix's unequivocal stand. But the man, feeling the weight of many judgmental eyes, conceded defeat with a frustrated huff and retreated, his departure marking the end of the immediate conflict. The tense silence that followed his exit gradually gave way to low murmurs, the crowd's respect for Felix's actions manifesting in whispered accolades and nods of approval.

Felix, however, remained undeterred, his aura of determination as evident as ever. BangChan, sensing a need to shift the energy, rose from his seat, deciding to fetch the drinks they had come for.

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