Seungmin: Phone Call (Smut)

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Paring: Seungmin x Reader
Warning: phone sex, smut, NSFW, hand job, fingering,
Word count: 809

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Y/N lay sprawled on her bed, the early morning sunlight filtering through her curtains. It was one of those quiet mornings where her heart ached a bit more, missing Seungmin who was touring Europe with Stray Kids.

Suddenly, her phone rang, slicing through the silence of her room. She glanced at the caller ID and couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. It was Seungmin, and given the time difference, it must be late where he was.

"Hello?" Y/N answered, trying to keep her voice steady despite the excitement bubbling inside her.

"Hey, you sound like you've been waiting by the phone for my call," Seungmin's voice came through, a teasing lilt in his tone.

Y/N laughed, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks. "Maybe I was. It's so good to hear your voice."

"I've missed you," Seungmin confessed, his voice softening. "Tell me about your day."

And so, they dove into conversation, exchanging stories and snippets of their lives apart. Y/N spoke of the mundane details of her day, finding joy in sharing them with Seungmin, while he recounted amusing incidents from the tour.

As the conversation flowed, it naturally veered into more intimate territory.

"I keep thinking about our last kiss before you left," Y/N murmured, her voice laced with longing. "I can't wait for you to come back."

Seungmin's voice dropped to a whisper, "I've been thinking about that a lot too. About being with you again... It's been hard being away."

Y/N's heart raced, her thoughts swirling with images of Seungmin. "I miss you so much, not just talking to you but being close to you, feeling your touch."

Seungmin's breath hitched slightly. "Have you... have you been thinking about me? In that way?"

Y/N felt her cheeks burn with blush. "Yes, I won't lie. It's been making me feel so desperate and restless."

Hearing her admission, Seungmin's voice grew huskier, "You have no idea how much I've been thinking about you too. Imagining you here with me... it's been driving me crazy."

The air between them, even miles apart, felt charged with longing and unspoken desires. Seungmin's confession about his own fantasies, about her being with him in ways that made the room seem warmer, made Y/N's heart flutter wildly.

Their conversation, now a blend of teasing, laughter, and deep longing, continued into the night, each moment drawing them closer despite the distance.

Seungmin's voice came through the speaker, laced with a playful urgency. "Switch to FaceTime? I want to see you."

With a flick of her finger, the screen shifted, and there they were, face-to-face. She was awash in the soft morning light, the innocence of her nightdress contrasting sharply with the night that enveloped him.

"Wow, you look... amazing," Seungmin breathed out, his eyes captivated by the sight before him.

She laughed, a blush creeping up her neck. "It's just an old nightdress. You, on the other hand, look like you're ready for a very interesting dream."

The conversation took a flirtatious turn, their words wrapping around each other like a dance.

"You know, this dress... it's quite the view from here," Seungmin teased, his voice dropping an octave.

She playfully adjusted the neckline, feigning innocence. "Is it now? Maybe I should give you a better look," she whispered, laying back and letting the camera frame her more provocatively.

Seungmin's response was a low, appreciative hum, sending a thrill through her. "God, you're making it hard for me to stay in control," he confessed, the heat evident in his gaze.

She mirrored his sentiment, her hand tracing paths along her body. "You're not the only one losing control," she admitted, the sound of her voice mingling with his.

Their exchange grew more fervent, Seungmin's words painting vivid pictures, "Baby, if I were there, you wouldn't need to imagine."

Encouraged, she shifted the camera, her fingers dancing over her clit in a way she wished was his touch. "Like this?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"Exactly like that," he praised, his voice thick with desire. "You're so good at this."

Their movements became more desperate, their breaths heavier. Words of encouragement and desire flowed freely between them, punctuated by their names called out in fervor.

As they reached their climax, the intensity of the moment was palpable, their connection transcending the physical distance.

Afterward, they returned to seeing each other's faces, both flushed and smiling shyly. Seungmin watched, spellbound, as she teasingly licked her fingers clean.

"You're incredible... and incredibly naughty," he chuckled, his desire reignited by her boldness. "Just wait until I get back. I'll have to think of a proper way to... reward you."

Their laughter mingled, a perfect end to an intimate interlude, both eagerly anticipating the day they could finally bridge the gap between them.

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