Changbin: Big spoon Little spoon (Smut)

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Changbin loved being the big spoon, wrapping his strong, muscular arms around Y/N every night. But there was something about waking up to find her cuddled up against his back, her small frame pressing against him, that melted his heart every time. This morning was no different.

Y/N stirred, noticing the absence of Changbin warmth enveloping her. She blinked sleepily, then grinned as she saw him lying on his side, facing away from her. "Changbin, you big teddy bear, you're slacking on your spooning duties," she teased, her voice soft and playful.

Changbin chuckled, still half-asleep. "Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it, little spoon?"

Y/N giggled, scooting closer and wrapping her arms around his broad back. "I'm taking over. You're the little spoon now," she declared, pressing her cheek against his back.

He smiled, feeling her petite body snuggled up against him. "You're so cute when you try to be the big spoon," he murmured, reaching back to caress her leg.

She nuzzled into him, her hands wandering over his muscular frame. "You're just too big. But I like it," she whispered, her lips brushing against his skin.

Changbin turned slightly, just enough to catch a glimpse of her over his shoulder. "Is that so?" he said, his voice deepening. He rolled over to face her, his eyes dark with desire. "Come here," he growled softly.

Y/N's heart raced as she leaned in, their lips meeting in a slow, passionate kiss. Changbin's hands roamed over her body, pulling her closer. She could feel the heat building between them, the morning quickly turning from sweet to steamy.

He broke the kiss, his eyes locking onto hers. "You know what happens to naughty little spoons who steal my job, right?" he teased, his hand sliding down to cup her ass.

Y/N bit her lip, a shiver of excitement running through her. "What happens?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Changbin grinned wickedly, giving her a playful spank. "They get punished," he said, spanking her again, this time a bit harder.

Y/N gasped, her eyes widening in surprise and pleasure. "Changbin!" she exclaimed, half-laughing, half-moan as he continued to spank her, each smack sending waves of heat through her body.

He kissed her again, his tongue exploring her mouth as his hands worked their magic. "You like that, don't you?" he murmured against her lips.

"Yes," she breathed, her body trembling with need. "I like it."

Changbin flipped her onto her back, positioning himself above her. "Good," he said, trailing kisses down her neck and chest. "Because I'm not done with you yet."

Y/N's hands tangled in his hair, pulling him closer as he made his way down her body. "Please, Changbin," she begged, her voice thick with desire.

He smirked, pausing to look up at her. "Please what, baby?" he asked, his breath hot against her skin.

"Please... I need you," she said, her cheeks flushing with anticipation.

Changbin's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "As you wish," he said, sliding down between her legs. He kissed her inner thighs, his fingers teasing her entrance.

Y/N moaned, her back arching as he finally took her into his mouth. His tongue worked expertly, driving her wild with pleasure. "Oh, Changbin," she gasped, her hands gripping the sheets.

He pulled back, his lips glistening. "Not yet," he said, his voice husky. "I want you to come for me later." He climbed back up her body, kissing her deeply before flipping them over so she was on top.

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