chapter 8 meeting beta

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Chapter 8 meeting Bata

Collier pov

Laying down on the bed, I was left thinking to myself, Everything that just Learn from Anaya was a lot to take in, I was still of wondering how come the moon goddess would have chose me to be a mate for a werewolf? I still couldn't understand that.

I soon heard the door open, Thinking it was Anaya, I raise up my head But do my surprise it was jasper.

Jasper had a couple bags and two plates of food, "You must be hungry mate, I brought you some ham, mass potatoes and peas, I hope you like them."

I felt my stomach growl, I look at jasper and nodded, "Yes, thank you."

I was given the plate of food and Jasper.Sit down next to me as we eat together, "I'm sorry I wasn't here for you today, I was busy with my warriors, I already talk to the beta, He agreed that he would get someone for someone to take my job for a few days, now I will have time to get to know you."

I gulp down my food, "oh... Well, wait, why am I staying here? What about my grandparents?"

"What about them? Are you still living with relatives?" Jasper ask me as He looked closer at my eyes.

"I just moved into my ground aunt's house a day ago, They don't know where I am, They'll get worried and...?" Jasper caught me off with a kiss on my lips.

"Oh, don't worry, mate.We'll go to morrow and I'll explain everything," jasper said as he Soon finish eating.

Jasper brought the bags over to me, revealing a selection of clothes that he had bought. Among the items were five simple colored t-shirts, five pairs of shorts in matching colors, three pairs of skinny jeans with stylish ribs, a suit, and a pair of blue and white sneakers.

"That was also the reason why I was gone, I was doing some shopping for you," Jasper explained with a smile.

"Thank you. This is a lot, but I need to get changed," I replied, feeling a bit self-conscious about changing in front of him.

"We're mates, there's nothing to be embarrassed about," Jasper reassured me, but I still felt hesitant.

Jasper stood up, saying, "Okay, fine, mate. Be shy. But when you're done, we need to go see the beta. He's really excited to meet you."

With Jasper leaving the room, I quickly changed into a blue t-shirt and matching shorts, feeling a sense of nerves and excitement about meeting the beta.

Jasper soon returned to the room, and as I attempted to stand up and walk, my legs betrayed me, causing me to stumble. "Come on, mate, I'll carry you," Jasper offered kindly.

Reluctantly, I allowed Jasper to lift me up, feeling a mix of gratitude for his help and a tinge of frustration at being treated like a child. Anaya calling me "kiddo" and now Jasper carrying me around didn't help dispel that feeling.

Curious about the pack dynamics, I decided to ask Jasper about the Beta as he carried me through the place. "Who exactly is the Beta?" I inquired, trying to learn more about the hierarchy.

Jasper replied, "He is the second in command of the pack. I am the Gamma, which is the third in command." As we walked through the halls, Jasper continued, "My role as the Gamma involves being the general of the pack. I train the warriors, specialize in planning attacks and strategies for war."

Struggling a bit with the unfamiliar title, I nodded, absorbing this new information. As we approached a door, Jasper knocked on the door, I braced myself for the unknown as we entered the room. To my surprise, it wasn't a bedroom as I had expected, but an office that exuded a sense of warmth and sophistication.

The office look like a home, yet it was adorned with a touch of elegance that hinted at a refined taste. Dark, rich colors dominated the decor, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere with a hint of old-world charm reminiscent of a stylish log cabin.

The walls were lined with bookshelves filled of all kinds of books. A large oak desk stood in the center of the room, adorned with intricate carvings and a few scattered papers. The desk was accompanied by a plush leather chair, giving off an air of authority and command.

A fireplace crackled softly in the corner, casting a warm glow that illuminated the room and added to the comforting ambiance. The flickering light danced across the wooden beams in the ceiling, highlighting the craftsmanship of the construction.

The furniture was a mix of antique pieces and modern comforts, seamlessly blending the past with the present. A rug woven with intricate patterns covered the wooden floor, adding a touch of luxury and warmth underfoot.

As we stood in the office, waiting to meet the Beta, I couldn't help but marvel at the harmonious blend of old-world charm and modern sophistication that permeated the space, setting the stage for the encounters and revelations that awaited us in this mysterious world of werewolves and ancient traditions.

As the bookshelf unexpectedly swung open, revealing a man around my age, my eyes widened in surprise. He had sleek brown hair, was clad in shades, a grey hoodie, grey jean shorts, grey leggings, and white sneakers.

"What's up, JLD!" he greeted Jasper enthusiastically, waving before tousling his own hair. Turning his gaze towards me, a mischievous smirk played on his lips. "So, this must be the double C. It's great to finally meet you."

I was taken aback by the man's casual demeanor. I had expected the Beta to be more formal and older, but this Beta seemed more like a party-loving college student. It took me a moment to realize that "JLD" stood for Jasper's initials for his first, middle, and last names.

"Hello, you must be the Beta?" I ventured, seeking confirmation, and he nodded in affirmation.

"You're right, I'm Beta Kyle Roy," he confirmed, extending his hand for me to shake.

I shook his hand, feeling a mix of confusion, Kyle then turned to Jasper with a smirk and commented, "You found yourself such a cute mate, Jasper he so adorable."

I was embarrass and I was thinking to myself why is everyone acting like i'm a little kid?

Jasper beamed proudly, responding, "I know. My crescent and your gibbous will be definitely make friends."

Perplexed by their cryptic conversation, I interjected, "Crescent?"

Both Jasper and Kyle exchanged a knowing glance before looking back at me, realizing that they would need to provide me with an explanation to shed light on the mysterious terms and their significance in their world.

To be continued...

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