Chapter 11 saying Goodbye

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Chapter 11 saying Goodbye

Collier pov

I woke up early and had breakfast in the room I was staying in, Jasper offered me to go to the dining room to eat. But I rejected as I didn't feel comfortable being around a bunch of werewolves yet.

Remembering last night, I knew what Kyle was trying to tell me that I do have a choice rather or not I could stay here, But I knew all the facts that would come with this, I wouldn't be allowed to tell anyone about Woodville Pack secret.

I did didn't know how my family would react finding out that i'm a werewolf, would they still except me or be reject?

Not only that, but I still didn't fully understand about werewolves, Knowing that there was a second person slowly coming alive inside of me only made me scared.

I was thinking maybe I should stay at least until I have a better understanding of werewolves and then I could leave.

Jasper pov

Looking at my mate, I frowned as I knew what he was thinking. He seemed distant, wanting to leave, but I was not going to allow that. One way or another, I knew he would accept me in time.

Knowing though that will take some time, I decided to freshen up in the bathroom as I had to get ready to my mate to get his Belongings from his grandparents.

I changed into a grey tank top and black jean shorts, hoping to lift both our spirits with a change of appearance.

As I was about to leave the bathroom, a sudden surge of energy coursed through me. My wolf, Garnet, was trying to take control.

My claws extended involuntarily as I growled fiercely at my inner wolf. "Garnet, halt!"

Garnet's voice echoed in my mind, filled with excitement and determination, "I can feel his wolf stirring within him. He's awakening! I need to see my mate now!"

The overwhelming urge from my wolf to find his mate surged within me, driving Is my wolf to seek my mates wolf out despite the internal struggle with Garnet. With a deep breath, I focused on regaining control before Leave the bathroom but I fell as my wolf was getting stronger with his determination.

"GARNET! HALT!" I order my wolf to back down and retreat back into my mind.

I was struggling as I felt my bones begin to break, I had to keep fighting as my wolf would not resist, I get that it might be impatient But I was not going to let him do this, I was not going to let Garnet take control and forced me to shift into wolf form.

I knew he was impatient, but my mate inner wolf would not awaken at least for two weeks.

I heard the door knock And I listened to the sound of my mate's voice, "Jasper are you alright?"

My eyes widen, struggling to keep control of my wolf, I had to sound calm as I spoke, "Don't... worry about it mate, i'm good, I just trip."

"Ok," My mate said as I heard his footsteps walk away from the door.

That was close, I couldn't let my maid see that I was not in control on my own wolf, I knew garnett was impatient, but the fact that he would force to take Control it only may be wonder What he would have done to collier?

I already had the image in my head of Garnet pounce on collier And force him to mate with him, And I had no address of my mate becoming a zoophilia.

"Garnet! you have to wait!" I growled at my Wolf, "His wolf is not Even awake yet, It's not even been a full week, Now hold and go back in my deep part of my mind!"

Garnet would not stand down, and I did not want anything to happen to my mate. So I used my mind link to contact my cousin Anaya.

"Anaya, Garnet is trying to take control of me! I need you to take my mate to his grandparent's house And help him get all his stuff, Please do it for me," I said through the mind link as I hope she would agree.

"Of course, I will, When should I t...!?" I cut her off and yelled, "NOW!"

Collier pov

I waited for jasper to get out of bedroom but then I heard a knock from the door, I went to open it and to find anaya was there.

"Are you ready to go?" Anaya ask with a sweet smile.

"Yeah, i'm just waiting for jasper to come out the bathroom," I said as I was a bit worried when he said he trip, I could hear something was going on in there, was he in pain?

Anaya spoke to me and said, "Oh yeah about that, He actually has something to do here so he can't take you so I will."

I was surprised by the change of plans, It happened so quick but I didn't question it, I wanted to see my grandparents again before I had to live here.

I nodded and we left the house, My mind was too focused on seeing my grandparents again, Even though it was a couple of days I already missed them so much.

This wasn't the plan when I first came to town But I knew this mean I was going to be saying goodbye to them as I was going to be moving out.

We got into the car and drove out of the pack.

Third person view

A group of people had a telescope looking at the pack gates, The one who was looking had a dark hoodie covering his face.

He saw the car and noticed there was a young man and woman there, "So is that supposed to be the gamma mate?"

One of the guys standing next to him said, "Yes, pretty much, What we heard his name is Collier."

The one from the telescope raises head, "Collier?"

All the guys nodded, "Yes, Collier Campbell."

The man's eyes went wide when he heard that name, "I thought that guy looked familiar in the car, There's no way it's him, I hadn't seen him since graduation."

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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